Start from the beginning

But Mark did, making him more irritated in the girl's presence.

"I'm glad Vee was able to convince someone like you," she added while laughing.

"Excuse me?" Mark's ears perked up. What does she mean by 'someone like me'? What me?

Seeing the situation, Vee quickly interrupted.

"Shouldn't we be talking about the painting now? Miss? Mr. Ma—Saam?"

"Right! Glad you mentioned that, Vee!" and she tightened her hold on Vee.

Vee tried to break free from her since he's feeling a bit uncomfortable and it's a bit painful on his part. Plus he's actually a bit conscious and nervous for some unknown reasons.

Why do I feel like my heart's gonna leave my body out of nervousness?

He was too busy trying to get away from her that he failed to see Mark's piercing gaze.

"I don't think there's a need to talk about it," he stated and stood up.

That caught Vee's attention. He looked at him confusedly, "W-what do you mean by that?"

"I changed my mind. I don't want my beloved painting to fall on the hands of someone like that," he said and walked away, leaving the two confuse.

What the—

"What the hell was that?!" Miss Perth questioned.

Vee remained quiet as he also had the same question for Mark.

What in hell was that, Mark Masa?

+      •      +

"What did you leave like that?"

Vee's question was only answered with a sigh.

After he settled everything with Miss Perth, he then went to find Mark. It's not about Miss Perth but he just wanna know why the other guy acted irrationally.

Thankfully, he didn't had a hard time finding the other guy. Unlike before.

"Why did you do that?"

This time, Mark turned to meet his eyes, "I can't stand her. She's too disrespectful."

"And you think, with what you did, you're different from her?" Vee blew some air to calm down. "What you did was also disrespectful. You could've given her an explanation instead of choosing to leave just like that." Did you know that she said hurtful things about you? Vee wanted to add but he chose not to.

"If you're worried about your client, then you can apologize for me to her."

Does it sound like I'm worried about her?

"Or better yet, do things to console her. Hold her hand, hug or kiss her. You try to do things like that. I'm pretty sure she'll be fine," Mark said bitterly.

What type of Mark am I dealing here?

"Aren't you done? Can you please leave. I still have things I need to finish," he lied. He just doesn't want Vee to catch him.

His true feelings kept knocking his consciousness. And it's something he doesn't want the other to know.

It's better not to stir up old feelings, to avoid hurting one another.

Vee, on the other hand, tried to think of the things that might lead Mark to being like this.

What is the food?
Was it because of Miss Perth's unfiltered mouth?
. . .Or her clinginess?

"Are you. . .perhaps, jealous?" he asked unconsciously.

It was too late for Vee to take back what he had asked. He mentally cursed himself.


Mark's eyes widened, "W-what? W-why would I? It's not like—

Vee interrupted him, "I know. I'm sorry for asking such question. I wasn't thinking when I asked that."

Mark swallowed a lump on his throat as he refused to meet Vee's unreadable gaze.

"Why would you be, right?" Vee laughed bitterly. "I forgot, it was only me who's still affected by your presence."

Mark's eyes widened. He wanted to speak but something is stopping him from doing so.

Was it his fear?

Maybe yes. Maybe no. He wasn't so sure.

"Don't worry, I'm not planning to bother you any longer. The deal's already off two days ago," he stated.

"Vee, I. . ." Mark's words slowly died on his mouth as soon as he saw Vee's expression.

Vee tried to keep his cool, "Rest assured that this will be the last time you'll see this ugly presence of mine. And don't worry about Miss Perth, it'll be fine. I already handled it."

"Thank you, Mr. Masa."

After he said that with a force smile, he walked away with a heavy heart.

Mark wanted to stop him but he couldn't move. There are things he wanted to say and do but he couldn't. So he decided to just watched Vee walked away from him.

Deja Vu.

It was like what happened two years ago. But the only difference is that, now, it was Vee who walked away from him.

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