(Others: we are not even here. We are in hallucinations)

Y/n: sorry

Mom: enough. We are here for shopping not for chatting. So first shopping.

Everyone: OK.

After 4 hrs

Y/N's pov

[ We were heading to the cafeteria when we suddenly heard gun shots. I saw that some people were aiming us. I said everyone to follow me and we ran out of the mall. We should fight but two things were problem. First we were weaponless second we had our parents and if we had fight there there were many chances that innocents getting injured. It's better to let them follow us. As we reached at safe place I checked if we all are here or not. But]

Y/n: where the heck is Somi and tzuyu?

Jhope: they better don't do anything to them

Y/n: oppa take mom, dad, unnie and Kim Brothers home.

Jin: we are coming with you and that's final.

Y/n: OK.

At Black Mamba's base

Y/n: Lisa track their phone

Lisa: it's in mall

 Y/n: track somi's necklace

Lisa: they are at xxx building

Y/n: everyone grab your weapons

In car

Y/n: I'll go first. You all will sneak in. But when I'll call you then only you will show up

Everyone: ok

At xxx building

Tzuyu: and done. Are you? (Whispers)

Somi: ummm done

????: Hey beauties wanna have some fun with me?

You thought I'll leave you guys here. Nah as I am after long time I'll repay for that. A long episode 

Y/n: why don't you say this to ur girlfriend Maddie.

Y/n's pov

[I entered the building and killed all the guards on my way (I am on my way~~) I reached to a room which I suppose they are kept. As I peeked in I saw both of them opening their ropes easily. Wahh daebak. And then he appeared. My blood started boiling.]

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