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*By the way, this is her car 🤑

"Are you stalling me for some reason?" I asked scanning the room

"Of course not, I'm just curious "

"So, how's it going with Richard.... I'm just curious"

Ashley glared at me

"I see what you did there.... if you do t want to yell me, I'll just stalk you to get my answers"

"You creep!, grow up Ash"

" Get your butt upstairs, Rita's waiting"
" I'll tellyou everything during our lunch break alright.... I rather not get stalked" I said and Ashley chuckled

"See ya later babe"

Back at ya" I said and left.

So I'm an actress for fun but I own a business company where I do like serious stuff.

Ashley had always loved acting, once she played dead in her room back. In college and I almost had a heart attack. She just sprung up and started laughing. I on the other hand didn't think it was funny in any way, I was still puffing in shock with my hand on my chest and my eyes shot wide open.... She can be too much sometimes.

I decided to act just for the fun of it, not really relying on the fame or wealth. My other business was inherited , my dead brother Matt was supposed to inherit it but hey...
He's gone and so are my parents, someone has to keep the business running.

All the income and billings of the company are directly on me since my other brother Jack can't handle all three of my dad's companies by himself.
The good thing is that I get to boss people around at me, that feeling is so worthwhile.

In my acting job, it's pretty much the other way around; Rita McCoy, the movie director find everyway possible to annoy me the hell outta me.... Ashley, not so much.

But I get to bill to the industry alot for very unimportant stuff, mainly to get in Rita's nerves.
For example, I'd always demand for the silliest things like a Pedicure every twice in a while because my feet "hurts" when I walk too much so either a massage from a pro or a regular relaxing pedicure would do just fine.

I also order the most expensive food item on the menu list everytime Rita's right next to me and I always "forget" my lines all the time.

Oh this is not all, I still have alot of things I do just to piss her off and she probably hated me for that but WTF Rita, you're so not the boss of me!"

When I got to the supposed third floor that that Rita was on, I saw her yelling at no one exactly. I became more confused than shocked, it was a weird but expected sight...

"Who's she yelling at this time, her imaginary friend?..... Oh, she has airpods on"

"Marco you idiot!, Why can't you get anything right in your life?!.... I want them ready in three hours, you hear me?!!" Rita yelled as she noticed me

"And where have you been miss?"

"Around, why?"

Rita stared at me for a while...

"Go practice your lines, I don't want any mistakes on the field today"

"You can't tell me what to do Rita"

"I'm the director, I call the shots here"

"Not in my life you don't.... Now if you'd excuse me, I have better things to do with my time"

"Why do you always get on my nerves Rachel?"

"You tell me" I chuckled and strutted away

Rita was so angry she broke the pencils she was holding with just one hand.
What can I do, as long as you're alive someone's just gonna hate you. 😅

Now about my date; his name is Chadwick Lodge, we met at the diner a few days ago. We've been talking for a while online so we decided to meet each other tonight at any location convenient to me _ he's so sweet.... I think.

So a few hours later, we all moved to the site where the next scene of the movie wass to be taken. Ashley, Sarah ( Ashley's friend) and I went in my mustang while the others either went on their own or followed the crew bus.

Rita always said that I show off too much because I'm rich... HELLO, why get rich in the first place if you're not gonna enjoy it and live your life to the fullest, I'm 20 for crying out loud! I'm still young and most importantly, YOLO!!!!

Whenever I offered her a ride in my car, she'd be like... "I have my own car Rachel, I can drive myself to wherever I want to go ok?" then I'd be like... "Ok grandma, suit yourself" and just zoom off. Classic teenage drama. That lady totally DESPISES me 😂

On entering the shooting site, my phone rang.... It was from my company.

"Hey Tammy, talk to me"

"Finally, you picked up!... I've been calling you!"

"Sorry, I'm here now"

"So there was this problem and you weren't like answering your calls so I kinda- sorta solved it myself"

**I'll tell you about Tammy later, just keep reading okii? 😊

"What - did you - do?"

"Ok don't yell buh like five investors came here like few hours ago buh you weren't picking up so I told them to hold on for like a minute so I'd call you again... I even offered them coffee just to stall them. I called again buh you still weren't picking up so I 'may' have called your brother and he was like really mad so I hanged up and booked you a meeting with them in like two hours from now so.... Sorry"
Tammy spluttered at a stretch

"Oh god, this day can't get any worse"

"Don't be mad at me ok?, I was like really nervous and all so I couldn't think straight...."

As I walked out of the car with Ashley and Sarah, a guy yelled...


"This day just got more worse" I said to Tammy, my P.A

**About Tammy now...

In my serious side of life, I like having a little glitch and in my company, Tammy Smithers is that glitch.
She's a dark brunette with mousy colored eyes. She's 20 as well buh she treats me like I'm older.

She's great at her work but she sometimes forget that she was employed in a ' serious ' company. She talks like a teenager but she works like a pro. She's very reliable, efficient and fun to be around with... That's what makes her perfect for the job.

"I have a shoot today Tam, I can't make it"

"Buh if you don't, there's a possibility of loosing by a solid 15% which is totally not a good one. Those guys looked very elite, sure you wanna risk it boss?"

"You caused this Tammy, fix it"

"I'll try my best buh I can't make any promises"

"Hey, you there!!!" A hefty man on all black yelled pointing at me

"Uh oh"

**Glad you're enjoying the story. If you're not, pls comment. I love taking advice from readers.
I'll update it sooner or later 😅
Bye.... For now ❤️🥰

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