Chapter 3 <3

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You wake up and do your morning routine and put this outfit on ^ it was 6:57 and you went to jaylas room to see if she was ready you knocked but she didn't answer so you just walked in and then you saw that she wasn't even a wake so you screamed at to get up

jayla: stfu I'm sleeping!
Y/n: you have to get ready to go to hype
Jayla: oh shit I forgot about that
Y/n we have to leave at 7:50
Jayla:but that's in 50 minutes
You left jaylas room and went downstairs to get something to eat 20 minutes later jayla came down

Y/n: we have 30 minutes
Jayla: okay

25 minutes has past you and jayla make sure that you guys have everything before leaving

Jayla: do you have everything
Y/n: yeah
Jayla: k let's go I'll drive
                    You and jayla get in the car
You turned on the radio and jayla started singing her heart out
Jacob: where are you guys
Y/n: we're almost here
Jacob: okay hurry up
You and jayla finally arrive at the hype house and get out the car you start to walk to the door until you look at the window and see tabthia fall you giggled for a bit before knocking on the door and tabthia answers

Tabthia:hello I'm tabitha but you can call me tabs
Y/n: hi I'm Y/n
Jayla: and I'm jayla
Y/n: oh also I saw you fall are you okay
Tabthia: yeah I'm fine it's all Jacobs fault

You and jayla walk in

Mia: Y/N!!
Mia ran to you
Y/n: thank you?

Everyone comes up to you and jayla and tell you guys there names

Thomas: I'm Thomas mias boyfriend
Jacob: your already know me but I'm Jacob

Authors note
I have exams next week so I need to study so I won't post that much but I will try to do my hardest. Goodnight or day <3

(Btw I think your beautiful <3)

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