Chapter 2 - Skulls & Roses

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"What no! Im straight!" Steve yells in disbelief. Eddie chuckles and punches him on the shoulder. "Don't deny it, Harrington!" He says in a sing-songy voice.
"How can I be denying anything if I'm simply just straight?" Steve crosses his arms. "What? Are you gay?" He asks.

"Maybe." Eddie laughs, teasing the boy into frustration.

"Good for you, but I'm not gay." Steve responds with frustration. "Are you sure?" Eddie asks. "Yes I'm pretty sure!" Steve gives Eddie a bitch face. "Pretty?" Eddie jokes. "Positive okay!" Steve sighs. "Okay, I'll let you live in denial." Eddie smirks, loving the banter.

"But- you know what, never mind.. I give up." Steve exclaims. "Oh well. But remember.. I'm always here if you need to blow off some steam." Eddie gives Steve finger guns with a wink. "No! Eddie, man... I'm sorry, but I don't feel that way about you." Steve says with a serious expression. "That's okay." Eddie says with a small smirk. "Okay." Steve says staring Eddie in the eyes.

Eddie steps a little closer to Steve, looking him up and down. "Since when do you wear perfume?" Asked Eddie, smelling something sweet on Steve. Steve just makes a confused uhhh sound. "You smell like strawberries, Harrington." Eddie smiles. "What? Oh! Well- actually it's a mixture of lavender and strawberries, but yeah." "Oh so you admit?" Eddie says impressed with Steve's honesty.

"Yeah, I gotta stay fresh for the ladies. Ya know?" Steve responds. "But perfume.. Why not cologne?" Eddie asks while putting his hands behind his back. "Well the thing is, cologne kinda makes my throat itchy- I prefer softer smells, but it also depends on the cologne too." Steve rants. "Oh" Eddie says. "But there is this one cologne I like and I can't seem to find it. I haven't smelled it yet today, but I always smell it around school." Steve says looking down.

"This?" Eddie says while talking out a bottle of cologne from the pocket of his jacket and spraying it in around Steve's face. "Wait, what's it called?" Steve asks. "It's called being gay." Eddie laughs. "Uhh really?" Steve asks confused. "Im joking. Calm down, Harrington. It's called Skulls & Roses." "Well anyways that's it, that's the smell." Steve says. "You like it, Harrington?" Eddie smirks. "Uhhhh, yeah it smells nice" Steve says.

"That's a little gay, you still sure you're straight." Eddie jokes. "Yes, Munson. I'm sure I'm straight. I'm not gay. end of conversation." Steve says, going to walk away.
"What's your number?" Eddie asks Steve, stopping him in his tracks.
"Why do you want my number?" Steve questions.

"This is a boring town, Harrington. Face it. You'd want a friend too." "I guess you're right. Anyways it's 748-555-0313.  the kids are in class and Robin just wandered off somewhere. I guess the more friends the better." Steve mumbles the last part.

"Do you maybe.. Want to come to my place?" Eddie says as he fidgets with his rings. "What?" Steve asks Eddie, caught off guard.
"Did you hear me?" Eddie jokes. "Uh- Yeah. I guess I'll come. But no funny business. You hear me?" Steve points at Eddie.
"Alright, alright. I'll take you to my van." Eddie gestures, taking his keys out of his pocket.


Eddie parks his van and gets out, opening Steve's passenger door. "Go on." Eddie says.
Steve stands there in disbelief. "I didn't know you lived her-" Steve points to Eddies trailer, only to be interrupted. "Yep, not many people do. Come on." Eddie sighs, dragging Steve up the steps and into his trailer.

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