Hope and consequences

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A week later, John was discharged from the hospital. However, now he was afraid of Albi like fire. He pressed himself against the wall when he saw her. When she started to say something to him, he immediately pressed his head into his shoulders. In short, he was now afraid of Albi like some kind of Fiend.

Therefore, the first thing John did in the morning was to sneak out of the house to the old oak tree, where Julia usually hung out.

So it is. Julia herself was sitting on the lower branch. She was wrapped in a black cloak and was still reading.... Your biography?!

John walked over to her.

«With a cheerful morning, those who wake up early, at about six o'clock!» - Julia beat him to it.

John shrugged his shoulders.

«What are you doing here? Did you have a fight with Tom or something?»

The girl snorted.

«It is impossible to quarrel with him. And you ran away from Albi, didn't you?»

John was embarrassed. It's useless to deny it, Julia can read minds.

«Yes. And what did you do with Tom that night when he brazenly took you out of the hospital?»

Julia was embarrassed now.

«Well, he called me to that pebble...»

«What kind of stone?» - John didn't get it.

«From which we fell and learned to teleport, remember?... We stayed there all night. You know, there are such heights. And the stars and the night sky — I'm already afraid to describe! It was just fantastic!»

John sighed, realizing that this was unlikely to work with Albi.

Julia read his thoughts and smiled.

«Yeah, I'm not Albi. You can outshine me with anything. And here's Albi... She's like a piece of iron! Cold as steel and she has no nerves at all!» - Julia said.

John grinned and sat down next to her.

Her hair, which seemed golden in the sun, fluttered in the wind, sometimes covering the eyes or mouth of the hostess. John was only lightly touched by these strands near the tip of his nose and John felt tickled.

«I remember you were like that. Correct, always did homework, passed exams for five, in practice you were the highest class... And then suddenly she turned into that sweet girl that we needed then - smart, but understanding, cheerful... Oh, it's a pity that time flies by unnoticed!» - John sighed.

Julia stared at him. A blush covered her thin cheeks.

«And to be honest, I miss the John who understands me, my precarious situation with my father and with my strong magic. But it was John who left in the fourth year and I never saw him again.» - Julia giggled.

John rolled his eyes.

«I... You openly tell me about the fourth year and everything that happened to you easily and calmly... You really are... Doesn't that bother you?» - John didn't believe it.

Julia smiled and said:

«And so that you don't think of me as some kind of fool in love with you, then I will answer that I loved that John, before that event. And you're the one after. So I don't love you. So love your Albi as much as you want.»

John narrowed his eyes slyly. Julia smiled even wider and snuggled up to John. He was taken aback by surprise, but then he hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head. And touched her silky hair. They really were like silk flowing around John's fingers. He buried his face in them and inhaled the scent of lavender mixed with apples.
Julia went crazy and snuggled even closer to him. John remembered his wish. The one he wished for when he fell in love with Julia.

Kiss her.

Last time he kissed her on the cheek because of circumstances. But now...

John took her chin in his hand. She tensed. John grinned and, with the same smile on his lips, kissed Forter. Then he pulled away from her and looked into Julia's eyes. The girl was slowly unloading.

Then her cheeks flushed. His eyes glittered.

«What are you doing?»

«Nothing...» - Julia grumbled and finally kissed him back.

Julia had a plan to escape from his warm and gentle hands, but he managed to knock her to the ground and hung over her.

Her breathing quickened. Balls of steam rose from his mouth and merged into one big ball. John smiled, straightened a strand of hair behind her ear and greedily bit into it with his lips.

She doesn't even resist. John got his own anyway.

More precisely, his own.

His Julia.

[After the last sentence]
On behalf of John: I remember a strong blow to the head, right in the skull. A stone. A big, round stone.At first I didn't understand, and then suddenly I understood... Only one person can lift such a stone and put it on the head of his best friend.

So, sir, this will be the strangest afterword-dash-thanks. But in my life and at the time when I wrote most of these stories, there were many people whom I want to thank.

First, this is my family. What I had even when I didn’t see anyone next to me. Mom and my beloved sister - you are all that I have and I love you very much.

Next, I want to say thank to my Korean friend Song Bo Ae. She made this amazing cover and said that if I don’t publish this story in full today, she will come from Seoul and kill me.

Nika, you are amazing. Real miracle! I would never have thought that I would find a person who, like me, loves to invent characters and their stories. Each of your characters and story is like a balm for the soul. Thanks!

I'll go back a little, even to last year. Maya, you will never read this (probably) but thank you too for always reading all my stories. I know that from the flow of information that I tell you was ready to shoot yourself, and yet we discussed many points with you, so you are also part of this small and so beloved company. Love you!

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