"Don't meet that Puff tonight," Draco said.

"I certainly will," Granger said. Her expression was anything but inviting, but Draco was uncomfortably aware of how close she was, that flowery scent filling the small space. He knew those curls' softness, those lips' sweetness, the smoothness of her cheek ...

He bent his head closer. "Tennant is following the Puff now. He'll be waiting for you."

"I-I'll be fine," Granger whispered. Draco felt her breath against his lips.

No. You won't be fine. She wasn't listening, nobody ever listened. Please, please, don't meet him, Draco wanted to say, but that would be begging and Malfoys never begged.

Granger's eyelashes dipped slightly. Draco couldn't help himself, he brushed his lips against hers. "Granger, I ..."

"Cormac!" A high-pitched squeal shattered the moment, and to Draco's horror, a small hand began tugging aside the tapestry. "Honestly, Cormac, let's get—"

Vane's head popped into the alcove, her eyes round at the sight of them. The witch squeaked in surprise and disappeared again. Draco sagged against the wall with relief. Vane wouldn't say anything.

"We have to get out of here," Granger said, face flushed.

"Wait." Draco extended an arm to block her way. "Don't. Don't meet up with him."

"I have to. I need to fix that clock." Those honey-gold eyes looked up at him almost pleadingly. "It might adjust the time element in the spell."

"Tennant will follow him and—"

"Justin won't let him."

"Your Puff's an idiot," Draco snapped.

"Your roommate's an idiot. And I'm not afraid of any Rowle." She easily ducked under his arm and flounced out of the alcove.

Draco stormed out after her, heedless of anyone nearby, but the corridor was deserted, thank Salazar. The bushy ponytail disappeared around the corner, but Draco couldn't follow. He had to stay with Tennant.

Scowling, he headed back down the Marble Staircase, hoping the Puff hadn't left the Great Hall yet. No, Finch-Fletchley was still spooning custard and gassing about something tedious, if his housemates' expressions were any indication.

So Draco withdrew to the shadows by the Hourglass Cabinet. (That git hadn't been bluffing about House points; the lower bell of the Slytherin hourglass was empty now.) Blaise entered the Entrance Hall, pulling up the hood of his black cloak.

Then the She-Weasel appeared, and Draco's blood ran cold. Fuck, he'd forgotten about her. He didn't need that witch's interference tonight. She'd stalk Draco and ...

Or would she? Blaise was now moving from shadow to shadow, looking entirely menacing, and the She-Weasel followed. They both disappeared into a corridor opposite the Great Hall. What was Blaise doing?

And now here was Finch-Fletchley, closely trailed by Tennant. Granger had been right, Tennant was anything but stealthy. The Head Boy had his nose in the air, taking no precautions either. Insufferable prat—for all the wizard knew it was Draco with the dark designs on Granger and yet Finch-Fletchley made no effort to protect her.

In this, Draco had possibly misjudged the Hufflepuff. Draco found Tennant at the top of the Marble Staircase, looking very much like his father—in other words, confused.

"Which way did he go?" Tennant hissed.

Draco shrugged. Perhaps things would turn out alright after all.

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