Chapter one

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As I lay there hopeless, he said to me that it will al be okay. I will go home and be safe with my family, he said this to comfort me, he thought I had gone for dead.
Little did he know I was still breathing. The dugout, fallen in and everyone around choking on dirt. I was too but I had taken α deep breath and ran to him Dennis. I saved his life as he saved mine. Hibbert and Trotter had fallen into the mound of dirt and were choking. There was nothing we could do. The both of us ran as fast as we could to see the German trenches. If they had taken anyone, nothing we saw.. only the body of Osborne which was rotting there, we both felt powerless and knew we had to escape. Without the Germans seeing we ran as fast as we could to the nearest train wherever it was going we didn't know or care. We got on and we travelled for what felt like days until we arrived at α dock in Calais where α kind fisherman offered us α boat to go to England. We accepted and sailed on our way. We stopped half way and stared each other in the eye, it was weird, I liked it. Then he lent over towards me and we hugged. We giggled for α while wondering what we were doing, sitting in the middle of the channel like sitting ducks. Then I lent over to him and we kissed

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