There was another long silence. "I know, but we deserve this, and we deserve to be happy about it," Seamus said.

Sage looked at him, before nodding. Of course Seamus was right. But because of this war, kids weren't going to make it to graduation. Cedric didn't get to graduate, Elizabeth won't get to graduate, any other kids who lost there lives.

"I know we do but it's still something I think about," She said, looking over at Dean. "How couldn't you?"

"I do," Dean said, shaking his head. "But Seamus has a point. Even though we've lost, shouldn't make us not be happy about graduating. I mean we're doing it for them, aren't we?"

She nodded slowly. "Yeah... I guess we are."


They arrived at Hogwarts, the train stopping and a man and woman walked down the train aisle.

"This isn't normal, is it?" Sage asked quietly, the two people were going through bags.

"Yeah, but it's not Dumbledore running this place anymore," Dean whispered. There compartment door slid open.

"Bags now," the woman ordered and Sage looked up at where she was keeping her bag. The woman just pushed through and grabbed them down, going through Sage's first. "Sage Lupin right?"

Sage nodded slowly. "Yeah..."

The woman looked at her. "Professor Alectro Carrow, this is my brother Professor Amycus Carrow," she greeted. "Miss Lupin, do you know where Harry Potter is?"

She must work for Voldemort, if she wanted to know about Harry Potter. "No I don't," Sage lied quickly. She didn't know Harry's exact location but she had a basic understanding.

Alectro eyed her, before shoving her bag into Sage's arm, grabbing Seamus next. Seamus just watched with fear. "Seamus Finnigan?" Alectro examined, looking up at Seamus, who nodded. "Filthy half-blood."

Dean lifted his head quickly. "Excuse me?" He asked, defending Seamus.

"You heard me," the woman said, tossing Seamus's bag down. Why didn't she mention Sage being a half blood? Was it because of what happened with Dumbledore?

"I did hear you," he said. "You can't just say that!"

"Says who?"

"Says the professors!"

"Well, good thing those rules aren't in place anymore," she said, as she grabbed Dean's bag. "Dean Thomas eh?"

Dean ignored her. "This is bloody stupid."

Suddenly the woman slapped Dean, he was taken aback and finally stayed quiet. "We'll be dealing with you later."

The three watched the woman throw Dean's bag on the ground and walk out with her brother.

Seamus turned to Dean quickly. There was a red-hand mark on his face. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Dean said, shaking Seamus off.

She threw her bag over her shoulder and watched Seamus sigh. "You shouldn't have said anything."

"I don't regret it!" Dean snapped. "You and Sage are both half-bloods, the two most important people to me I'm going to say something."

Sage smiled slightly, and looked at Seamus, he looked upset but cracked a small smile at Dean's words. The three joined in on a hug before walking off the train.

They were required to stay in an orderly line behind the two Carrows.

How were they going to handle this year?

A/N:This chapter was a bit slow so sorry about that

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This chapter was a bit slow so sorry about that. I'll probably do a few chapters of them at Hogwarts, but Sage does end up leaving Hogwarts to help with Horcruxes so they're will definitely be a timeskip. I'm trying not to spoil to much so byeeee!

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