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Benny blacked out and woke up in a chair, roped to the chair, the ropes felt harsh and rough against his skin. Benny needed to get out of there, to survive, to move on from murdering Steven. "If I don't get out of here I'll get the death sentence!" Benny thought to himself. Benny tried and tried so hard to get out of the ropes. The rough ropes were irritating his skin and the areas where the ropes were rubbing against his soft skin. Benny looked around him, he was in a court room. Nobody was in the court room, but he could hear voices in the room next to him, he tried to make out what they were saying but the only thing he could decipher out of those muffled voices were something about a murder, most definitely about what he did to Steven. The more he listened to them talk the faster his heart was beating, "Its over!" He thought "I'll never get out of this without getting the death sentence!" He thought to himself. After a while, people started entering the court room, one person of which he recognized, Mary Jane!

Everyone got into their places in the court and the judge yelled "The court is now in session of Benny Morow." "Oh no, this is NOT going to end well." Benny said to himself. "The prosecution is ready, Your Honor" Mary Jane said to the judge calmly. "Mary jane?! shes the prosecutor?!" Benny yelled in his mind. "The, um, defense is ready, Your Honor," A man with blonde hair in a royal blue suit said. "Ahem, Summer-Rose Kokichi? This is your first trial, is it not?" The judge asked the woman. "I got somebody with no experience defending me, this is just great." Benny murmured. "Y-Yes, Your Honor. I'm, um, a little nervous." Summer said hesitantly. "Your conduct during this trial will decide the fate of your client. Murder is a serious charge. For your clients sake I hope you can control your nerves." The judge informed Summer. "Thank... Thank you, Your Honor." Summer thanked the judge. "Mr. Kokichi, given the circumstances... I think we should have a test to ascertain your readiness." The judge said to Summer. "Yes, Your Honor." Summer agreed. Summer was nervous about this test, obviously. Summer gulped and had shaking hands and his eyesight was fading. "The test will consist of a few simple questions. Answer them clearly and concisely. Please state the name of the defendant in this case." The judge told Summer. "The defendant? Well thats, Benny Morow, Your Honor." Summer answered nervously. "Correct. Just keep your wits about you and you'll do fine. Next question: This is a murder trial. Tell me, what's the victim's name?" The judge answered back. Summer felt relieved she got it right. " Whew, I know this one! Glad I read the case report cover to cover so many times." Summer said in her head "It's wait... Uh-oh! No... no way I forgot! I'm drawing a total blank here!" Summer panicked to herself. "Summer! Are you absolutely SURE you're up to this? You don't even know the victim's name?!" A small girl with short black hair shouted at Summer. "Oh, the victim! O-Of course I know the victim's name! I, um, just forgot. ...Temporarily." Summer replied shakily. "I think I feel a migraine coming on. Look, the victim's name is listed in the Court Record. Just check it anytime you forget someone's name, okay?" The girl reassured Summer. Summer took out Stevens Autopsy Report.

Time of death: 7/31 9PM-10PM

Cause of death: Being cut into pieces.

Summer could also check the details of the people in the courtroom.

Kelly Alien

A small girl with black hair, Chief Attorney and Summers boss. A very good defense attorney.

Benny Morow

The defendant in this case. A likeable guy whos related to Mary Jane and was Stevens friend since grade school.


The victim in this case. A gamer, he lived in an apartment with Benny.

Mary Jane Salina

The prosecutor for this case. Lacks presence. Generally bad at getting her points across.

Summer closed the book and looked back up at Kelly. "Remember to check it often. Do it for me, please. I'm begging you." Kelly begged. "Mr. Kokichi. Who is the victim in this case?" The judge asked Summer once more. "Um... The victim's name in this case is Steven" Summer replied with haste. The judge nodded and answered "Correct. Now tell me, what was the cause of death? He died because he was...?" The judge asked Summer once more. "He was cut up into pieces." Summer said confidently. "You've answered all my questions, I see no reason why we shouldn't proceed. You seem much more relaxed Mr. Kokichi. Good for you." The judge answered happily. "Thank you, Your Honor." Summer thanked the judge "Because I don't FEEL relaxed, that's for sure." Summer thought to herself.

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