Going throu universe(part1)

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*third pov*

the turtles and the girls were at the lair while Poppy was gone searching for stuff to make they're gear better, that was as she foound something, as she took a better look she squeld in excitment as she ran back to the lair.

*Poppy's pov*
OMG, OMG, OMG!!! the others will NOT belive me WHAT i found, i ran throu the sewers as i found the entrens, i ran screaming my friends names "DESTINY! ROSA! MIKEY! KATIE! RAPH! LEO! DO-" i wasn't looking where i was running and i ran straight into donnie's shell, i fell to the ground with a Uff "oh lordy-lord Poppy why the running around?" Katie Joked, ijust laught in excitment "We-ll my meilleur ami drôle that means funny best friend in French *laughs* i may have found something...out from this world" i just laught more as the others are looking at me like im crazy, i stand up as donnie helped me, i blushed a bit as i say thx "here look what i found while searching for-not inportant right now! Destiny here look!" i pushed the thing in Destinys hand while she looks shocked "Poppy like i said call me Hope-what is this?" she took the little device closer to take a better look.

"isn't it weird! i was looking throu everything, every blue prints that i had to built and/or seen was made! this is not, i reapet NOT WHAT YOU WOULD SEE! THIS IS SOMETHING OUT OF THIS WORLD!" i shacked Destiny's shoulder, i let her shoulders goan...

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"isn't it weird! i was looking throu everything, every blue prints that i had to built and/or seen was made! this is not, i reapet NOT WHAT YOU WOULD SEE! THIS IS SOMETHING OUT OF THIS WORLD!" i shacked Destiny's shoulder, i let her shoulders goand took the devie from her hands while getting a screwdriver "i will start to work on this! and if i found out if THIS! *points the screwdriver to them* is actually is something then...my six year old live was NEVER a joke, YOU HEAR ME FRANCHESKA! I WILL SHOW YOU! I WILL SHOW YOU ALL THAT MY DREAMS AND HARD WORK IS NOT A JOKE, NOT A JOKE! OTHER UNIVERSES DOES EXCIST!!!" i yelled while looking up "she is not dead chica" Rosa tell me "MAYBE! but who knows" "Chuvak, ona yeshche boleye sumasshedshaya, chem moy dyadya Stiven, kogda on uznal, chto yego sestra beremenna ot yego vraga Sergeya"(Man, she's more crazy than my uncle steven as he found out that his sister is pregnant with his enemy sergei) Destiny whisperd to herself, i looked down still working on the device "j'ai entendu ça et je comprends le russe" (i heard that and i understand russian) i whisperd to myself as destiny heard it and looked at me "i might....have finish it" i smiled as made it turn on a pink portal opend as we looked at eachother, i get closer to it and turend to my friends and laught "see! haha! it's a portal to another dimention!" "yeah but....dammit i forgot what it was in englisch, no it was a joke i just want to say it on both language, Das ist verückt und gefählich also geh da weg von diesen portal,and now in english, This is crazy and dangerous so get away from this portal" katie says in both launguage while pointing a finger at me, i smiled a bit and point my in the portal "poppy no" leo said "Poppy get away from that please" Donnie said "poppy" Destiny says, we look at eachother, chalenging eachother "ne delay etogo, ya smeyu tebya" (don't do it, i dare you) "et si je fais" (and what if i do) as i was about to fo to them, i accidently trip over something and fell backwards towarts the portal.

*third Pov*
as the gang yelled out to Poppy who neatly falls in the portal, Destiny, Katie and Rosa runs towards they're friend and tried to hold her from falling, but Poppy's back was half way throu the portal and it sucked her in and her friends as the boys yell for them, but the portal closed.

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