EP8 // That Imbecile!..

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y/n's pov

AA Agency, i love being back here!! Feels like home. It's so much more comfy here than at Ivanov's building. That constant tension in the air, the feeling of someone always watching you. It's almost June, so I head back to my office at the agency to submit recent data. And we've found none. Heh. I fully blame Loid-san for the fact that we have literally zero evidence that the murderer is lurking.

Loid-san slept in after work yesterday. Boy, was work tough. I remember clearly how awkward we were whenever we touched. Our hands could merely brush off against eachother and we'd flinch. We'd do that multiple times infront of colleagues and they'd get all suspicious. "Are you two really married??"; the question that was probably circulating through their small brains.

"Agent Y/n! Good to see you!!" I look up from my phone. "Yuna!! Oh my gosh, i haven't seen you in ages! (It'd literally only been 2.5 weeks but whatever)" We both reach in for a big bear hug. I notice something different on her today. Her lips are more perky and red, her lashes are curled and long.


"Girl, did you get a boyfriend?!" I jump up and start pinching her cheeks. She turns beet red. "Gosh! How'd you know?!" We laugh together as we walk each other to the cafeteria for a cup of warm coffee. We sit at a window seat, huddling together and ready to gossip.

"So, who is it?" I take a sip of my drink. Yuna fidgets with her fingers before springing back into high spirits. "He's this guy I met at a café right, and he told me he works at FoodLive! The place where you're working undercover!! He says his name is Igor.. He's foreign! And so handsome." I jolt, almost coughing out my coffee.

Igor?? No.. It couldn't be Igor Ivanov, right?

I stammer out quickly, "Is his last name Ivanov?" Yuna's eyes grow wide. "Yes! O-m-g how did you know??" My stomach twists and curls again. Oh god, no...

"Son of a bitch-.." I whisper.

Yuna turns to me with a concerned look. She frowns slightly, "Is something wrong?" I quickly look at her and shake my head. No, no...Everything's fine.


Ding! I walk out of the lift to my apartment and make my way to the front door. It clicks open. "Oh hey! You're back!" My eyes hover from the floor to the person standing in front of me. Loid-san is still awake this late at night, and shirtless? Bathump. I drop my bag to the floor and cover my eyes with my hands. "God! Could you like wear a shirt?!" I felt my cheeks heating up again. "But why? I thought we're married?" Loid-san chuckles.

He grabs my arm and pulls me in for a hug. He smells of soap. I feel his chin rest on top of my head, while he caressed me with his hand. I bury my face in his shoulder, it feels nice.

"Okay, okay. Time out. I have important information." Loid-san sits with me at the dining table. I tell him about how Ivanov is dating Yuna and how he'd already asked for her hand in marriage. Seriously, what kind of idiot would agree to marriage within the first week of dating. I heave a deep, long sigh. My eyes twitch up at the clock. 00:17a.m.. Yuna and I were out at the club with our other fellow spies. Much like a day-off.

"What the hell is his deal?" Loid-san grunts. He stands up and grabs two coffee mugs. The clinking of the spoon echoes through our apartment.

A midnight drink with my 'husband'. We huddle together at the sofa, both holding a warm mug of hot chocolate - with marshmallows. Sitting side by side, Loid-san and I rest our heads against eachother under the fluffy blanket. Our eyes shut. The silence is loud.


Second month into working at FoodLive. Nothing weird has happened, other than the fact that my close friend is dating my boss. We still have yet to find out who's the murderer we have to catch. Loid-san and I walk into the cold building as a gush of air-conditioning blowed at our faces.

The stares we'd get whenever we entered together have suddenly died down. I guess it's a norm now to have a 'Company Couple'. I feel a hit on my shoulder. I flinch, my head turns.

"It's Ivanov. Wait, where's Secretary Ryu?" Loid-san whispers, he grabs my wrist and steps forward.

"Morning, you two. Have you finished the product yet? I need to send all you rookies for a business course in North America."

Weird. He didn't mention changing secretaries. I stick my eye on his new assistant. It's a tall and slim man. His hair is spikey. He looks absolutely nothing like Secretary Ryu.

"I see you've met my assistant, Mr Kim. He just came in from Korea."

A foreigner? For what? Where's Secretary Ryu? "Where's the old one, the guy with the specs?" Loid-san voices out. Ivanov chuckles, his expression shifts. It was like looking at two different people. "Oh... Mr Ryu left for... family issues, yes..." His face changes again. "Right. Let's get on with work now, shall we?"

Funny, family issues. What a load of rubbish. Ivanov knows something we don't. Firstly, why date Yuna? And why rid Secretary Ryu? Or did Secretary Ryu really leave? My thoughts are piling up. I'm getting a migraine. In our office, we grab our aprons and head to the food lab.

In the lab, my migraine doesn't go away. Where's Secretary Ryu? Come to think of it we haven't even found the murderer yet. No, we shouldn't jump to conclusions. Maybe he really did leave.

Thud! Why is it pitch black? I can't see anything. God, my head hurts like hell. My ears are muffled. What's going on? Someone's shouting. Loid-san? Everything hurts so much...I need to find Secretary Ryu...

..retary Ryu...


T. B. C

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