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     A gust blows through the trees, the crickets chirp their melody, and a lone teen walks through the street. A white van pulls up, 2 armed men hop out and grab the teen. Before the teen can react, one of the men stick a needle in their arm, and the teen falls still. One of the men says something into their handheld radio receiver, or walkie talkie, and they climb into the van, pulling away soon after.

     They are no ordinary kidnappers, and they aren't doing this for money. These men are military agents, and they are grabbing test subjects for a vital project, . This projects goal is to develop a cure for the pale virus, which has been killing the population of entire country's without any sign of stopping. Even worse, it's specifically targeting humans, using other life forms as a means of spreading. 

     The teenager wakes up restrained to the table, with a doctor standing next to them. The doctor says something, and pulls out a syringe filled with a pink substance. The doctor grabs the teens arm and prepares to inject them with the contents of the syringe. Instantly, the teen elbows the doctor in the groin, and he winces in pain. The teen proceeds to slip out of the restraints, and walks towards the door.

     However before they reach it, a tranquilizer dart hits their back, and they fall to their knees. They lose control of thier back, and use their arm for support before reaching for the dart. Before the teenager can grab it, their arm gives out on them, and they fall to the ground, struggling to stay conscious. The guard who shot said dart Picks up the teen and walks toward a sleek test tube in the corner. They stick the teenager in the tube, put a vest on them, attach a few tubes, and fit a mask over their mouth and nose. They press a few buttons and the door closes with a hiss and the tube fills with liquid.

     The scientist and the guard leave the room, locking the door behind them. The room is silent except for the sound of breathing and beeping from the tube. The syringe on the floor rattles and begins cracking. The syringe explodes, and the pink liquid begins moving towards the tube. It slips inside a broken hose, and enters the chamber. It begins merging with the subject, until it's no longer visible. Instead of turning into latex the teenager seems to be completely unaffected. But the truth is, their DNA now contains properties that could save the human race. Now humanity is doomed, and the cure will never be developed.

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