"Okay well...back to speaking of monsters..." Dustin trailed off as he looked over at Mike. "Uh, Lucas has to do this, uh, balls-in-laundry-baskets game."

"So..." Dustin chuckled, trying to calm his nerves as he spoke, "He's not gonna be able to make it to Hellfire tonight."

"And I know there's no way we can beat your sadistic campaign without him." Dustin told the boy, "So, me and Mike, we were talking," he turned to face the boy, "shooting the shit, and we were thinking maybe we might..." The boy trailed off.

"Postpone?" The brunette girl asked, hoping to help the boy find the word he was looking for. Dustin nodded his head causing the whole group of boys immediately start yelling at the boy and Mike.

"Shut up!" Eddie yelled at the group, making them all immediately go quiet. "You saying Sinclairs been taken in by the dark side?"

"I wouldn't call it the dark side." Fi muttered under her breath.

"Something like that." Mike told the boy, getting more nervous by the second. "Something like that?" Eddie questioned the black-haired boy as he threw some food at the two boys. "Jesus Christ." Dustin spoke as he flinched away from the food.

"And rather than find a sub for him, you want to postpone 'The Cult Of Vecna?'" The long-haired boy questioned the two, getting a bit frustrated.

"I...I don't want to postpone it. We don't want to postpone it." Mike gestured between himself and Dustin. "It's just that, most of the subs will be at the championship game." Eddie got out of his chair as Mike spoke.

"Oh, it's the championship game?" Eddie questioned, turning around to face him. "Yeah." Mike responded wearily.

"Can I level with you? Jeff graduates this year. Gareth's got, what? A year and a half? Me, I am army crawling my way towards a D in Mrs O'Donnell's." Eddie informed the two younger boys as he walked down the aisle of the table.

"If I don't blow her final, I'm gonna walk that stage next month," Eddie started doing a small weird dance making the three friends chuckle, "I'm gonna look Principle Higgins dead in the eye, I'm gonna flip him the bird," The boy stuck up his middle finger, showing exactly what he was going to do, "I'm gonna snatch that diploma. I'm gonna run like hell outta here." The man started moving around a lot causing both Dustin and Fiona to let out a laugh.

"I believe in you." Fiona told the boy, clapping her hands and making Eddie bow as he smiled at her.

"Didn't you say that last year?" One of his friends asked the boy. "And the year before that?" His other friend asked.

"Okay, maybe I don't believe in you as much as I originally did." The brunette girl spoke causing him to put a hand over his heart, faking being hurt.

"Yeah, yeah, and I was full of shit then." Eddie told his two friends as he walked toward them. "This years different. This year is my year. I can feel it. '86, baby."

"You know what that means?" Eddie asked Fi's two friends, causing them to shake their heads no. "It means you boys are the future of Hellfire." He walked over to them, grabbing them by their shoulder.

"I knew it the moment I saw you. You sat on that table right over there, looking like...looking like two little lost sheep." The boy told the two as he looked between them.

"You were wearing a Weird Al T-shirt, which I thought was brave," He told Dustin, "Mike, you were wearing whatever shit your mommy bought you from the goddamn Gap." This caused all the boys on the table to laugh, but Fiona just ended up furrowing her brows.

"Why do you remember what they were wearing?" The girl asked him, confused as to why somebody would remember what someone else was wearing months ago.

Eddie aggressively picked the boys up by the back of their shirts, making them immediately stop laughing. "And we showed you that school didn't have to be the worst years of your life, right?"

Mike immediately shook his head no. "Well, I'm here to tell you that there are other lost little sheepies out there who need help. And maybe one of them is your friend." Eddie muttered the last part quietly so only the two boys could hear.

"Who needs you." He continued on, letting go of the two boys making them turn around and face him. "And all you guys gotta do is get your Bo-Peeps on and go and find one." He pushed the two boys away and sat back down at the table.

The boy immediately looked over to Fiona who was already looking at him, "I'm Eddie. Eddie Munson." He held out his hand so the girl could shake it. The girl shook his hand and immediately smiled. "Nice to meet you, Eddie Munson."

"You know what I think? I think you should go help your helpless friends find someone to sub otherwise they're in deep shit." Eddie smiled at the girl innocently.

So that's exactly what the girl went to do.

alex speaks

THANK YOU ALL FOR 100 READS ALREADY!! I hope that you guys like this book so far and yeah:)

also you will hopefully be seeing fionas powers soon!

please vote and comment!!
word count: 1492

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