{chapter one: the hellfire club}

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"Dustin hurry up or i'm leaving without you." viola said shouting at Dustin. "i'm running out of time here." he had said to his girlfriend suzie.

 after a minute or two he finally was ready and viola started driving the two too school.

the two had drove to school in silence in her black Chrysler t-1115 platform. when they got to school they separated ways, Dustin when to sit with mike and viola got ready to cheer lead with her best friend chrissy.

 they finally finished and they here someone shouted "lets here it for the tigers." chrissy's boyfriend and the rest of the tigers came in, i don't understand how chrissy even likes him he is a jerk to everyone he comes in contact with unless they are a cheerleader or a jock(i'm not sure if that is what they get called in america but i'm pretty sure it is).

 we all start cheering for the like they are a famous and the band started playing. the only person that is nice from the tigers is probably Lucas. i only know him because i was involved with the thing last year at the mall.

 Jason started his speech "Good morning, Hawkins High!" as the crowd cheered for him like at a concert. "First off... Hey. First off, i'd like to thank each and every one of you. Without your support, we wouldn't be here. Give yourselves a big hand." everyone cheered which just made me more bored then he was already making me.

 he carried on his speech "And of course, of course, i have to give a special shout-out to the best and the prettiest fans of all time, the tiger cheer squad." That time i had been forced to cheer for him because chrissy would of kept asking me why i didn't like Jason. 

 " Chrissy... Chrissy, i love you, babe." he made me cringe when he said that while chrissy just blew a kiss to him. 

"You know... i think i can speak for all of us when i say it's been a tough year for Hawkins. So much loss. And sometime i wonder, "how much loss can one community take?" In dark days like this, we need something to believe in. So, last night, when we were down by ten points at half to christian academy, i looked at my team, and i said, think of jack. think of Melissa. think of heather. think of billy. think about our heroic police chief, Jim hopper. think about every one of our friends who perished in that fire. what did they die for? for us to lose to some... some crap school? no." he had said making me anxious about everything that had happened last year. everyone has shouted out no with him.

"for us to return home with our heads hung low in defeat? No!" he had basically shouted from that last part waking me fully up from nearly falling asleep. 

He didn't give one shit what happened last year he only cares about winning and chrissy. 

"No. lets win this game. lets win this game for them. and that exactly what we did!" everyone started cheering. " we embarrassed those candy-asses in their own house, and now tonight, tonight, were gonna bring home the championship trophy! lets go!" everyone started cheering again making my head start to hurt from all of the noise.

 i had slowly got up and started to walk out chrissy had followed after but jason came to us and stole her.

 i started to walk out side to sit on a bench to get the tablets i had in my bag. 

i started to walk to class after when i walked into this guy with the same t-shirt that my brother had on.

 "hey.. are you alright?" he asked with concern. "yea i just dont feel to good." i had said hardly being able to get my words out from the dizziness. after that i had walked into the counselors office.

"Miss Henderson you don't look too great why don't you sit down." she said as i sat down in the chair in front off her.

"viola has it happened again." she had said as i nodded.

she has been talking about the terrible headaches i had been getting and nightmares about Hawkins lab. she doesn't know about the Hawkins lab i told her i had had a bad childhood which was very much true i just couldn't tell her why it was terrible.

"are you ready to talk about it?" she had asked me when i looked at the tattoo on my wrist reading 003. she had knew my answer was no from the look on my face.

"viola i'm always here if you need to talk about everything."she said calmly when i started to walk out when max was right in front off me also heading to the counselors office as i was leaving. me and max where not close but she knew about the lab and everything but not about the headaches and the nightmares.

authors note- i hope you enjoyed reading this part most of it was Jason's long fucking speech that went on forever literally but i enjoyed writing this part. the chapters do take some time to finish because i'm not very fast at typing and i want to make sure it is enjoyable. you didn't get much of Eddie in this chapter but he will be more seen in the others.!!!

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