Chapter three- Cocoa

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Becky was seated with Emile and Ewen in the classroom when Anya walked in, the three were discussing something, but Anya's appearance brought their critical meeting to a halt.

"Hey guys," Anya said as she approached the Desk, and everyone looked up at her with suspicious expressions on their faces.

"Hey, boss woman, we were just talking about the school trip." said Ewen with glee giving her a nickname similar to Damian's nickname.

"Boss Woman?" Anya said with confusion, she felt her heart skip

Becky giggle's "boss woman, I like that, I'm going to call you that from now on" she claimed

Not a moment too soon the man of the hour enters the classroom his usual stoic expression plastered on his face

He takes the only available seat which was conveniently next to Anya

"Mornin Boss-man" Ewen greets Damian

Damian let out a sigh "Ewen I'd like it if you didn't leave your dirty magazines on the floor of the dorm" Damian said referring to the porn magazine that Ewen and Emile were reading the day before.

"Boss, we're blossoming young teenage boys, of course we'll be interested in that sort of stuff," Emile replies, a smug expression on his lips.

"Okay? Couldn't you at the very least put it away out of my sight please?"  Damian sighed, scowling at his friends, who quickly straightened up. "So sorry boss-man, It won't happen again,"

"I'm with Desmond on this one; that's disgusting." Becky said, As the boys snickered,

"You guys are so stupid," Anya chuckles. Damian's gaze is drawn to her, examining her face as she laughed

'Should I ask Anya if she's still up for after school? No, Not in front of these idiots,' Damian's thoughts were read by her, she considered asking him herself, but Mr Henderson had arrived to begin the lesson

Anya got up at break to get a drink from the vending machine, glancing back at Damian before exiting the classroom, a wise move; she just hoped he'd get the hint.

Damian walked away a few seconds later to avoid making his friends suspicious, which they were still doing because the two of them were hooked on Damian and Anya's relationship.

"Hey," he remarked as he approached her. The imperial scholars walked alongside each other, attracting everyone's attention, seeing the Desmond Damian walking alone with a girl, without his entourage was highly suspicious.

"Are we Still on for after school" Anya asked, knowing Damian would be too nervous to bring it up himself

"Yeah," he said, his face lit up with delight because she remembered.

"what do you drink?" he asked, As they approached the vending machine,

"I'll buy my own drink" She said Grasping her hip with her left  hand

"This is my treat," he said, staring at her.

"No, I'm paying for my own," she stated emphatically.

Damian argued, "Just shut up and tell me what you want forger."

She sighed deeply.

"So? What will it be?" He asked confidently having won

She mumbled defeatedly, "Hot cocoa."

"You're not going back?" she asks as he leans against the wall, sipping his coffee, she stood in front of him, sipping canned hot chocolate that warmed both of her hands in which she held it.

Love in Bloom (Anya Forger x Damian Desmond)Where stories live. Discover now