part 2

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Izzie's POV

I woke up and had had gotten a text from Casey;

Heey, happy bday!! make sure to be free today at 6pm <3

I answered with:

Ofc, c you tonight <33

Hopefully we aren't going to do something with lots of people I thought to myself while cleaning up my sister's room.

I went for a run and then I showered, the clock was now five pm and I had to start getting ready. Usually when I go see Casey I don't do my makeup but today I did, I was in a good mood until I heard knocking on the door. It wasn't Casey because she was always late, so I went to open the door. My grandmother and all my siblings were standing there.

"Hey Izzie, I can't watch the kids tonight, can you?" my grandmother asked.

"I guess I can" I sighed and my good mood was suddenly gone.

I took my phone and texted Casey:

Hey i cant make it tonight, i have to watch the kids. sorry

She answered almost directly with:

Okey i will come by just for an hour or something then, see u soon <3

Half an hour later I heard knocking from the door, I opened and there was Casey not just only Casey but also Elsa.

"Hi Elsa, what are you doing here?" I asked confused.

"Oh I'm just here to watch the kids tonight" she smiled.

"Are you sure? 'Cause I can do it, it's no problem" I said.

"No, go grab your shoes and a jacket" Casey said.

Five minutes later we were sitting in Casey's car. We were kissing at a traffic light.

"Go, go, go, it's green" I yelled. We both started laughing.

I was looking out the window when I started to recognize the outside.

"Wait, why are we going to Clayton?" I asked, very confused.

"You'll see" Casey said with a smirk.

We parked the car and Casey took hold of my hand and started to lead me towards the track path. I saw candles, blankets and a basket with chocolate covered fruit and lots of other stuff.

"This is where we had our first kiss" Casey said. I could see that she was proud of the idea.

"It's.... wonderful, no one has ever done a gesture like this for me" I said and almost started crying.

Casey sat down on the blanket. "Come sit with me" she said. I did as she said and sat down next to her. I kissed her, she kissed me back. Then we hugged, alot. We also ate chocolate covered strawberries, those were in the basket.

I started to feel cold, Casey noticed that so she gave me her jacket. I rested my head on her shoulder and she rested her head on my head. It was now dark outside.

"Do you wanna lay down and watch the stars?" she asked.

"Yeah, I've actually never done that before" I said. She looked a little surprised but then she layed down and put her arm out for me to rest my head on. I layed down on her arm, she kissed my forehead and I couldn't help but smile.

"I love you, and I'll keep loving you til the day I die" I whispered softly.

"I love you always and forever" she replied.

It felt like we had sat there for forever when Casey suddenly said: "oh my god, LOOK!!"

I was a bit confused because I couldn't see anything. "What?" I asked.

"I think I just saw a shooting star" she said with a smile.

"That's kinda rare, right?" I said.

"I think so" she replied.

About an hour later we were sitting in Casey's car again. "Wanna go to my place?" she asked with a smirk.

"Yes" I replied knowing what we were gonna do next.

Casey's POV

I slammed the door behind me while kissing my beautiful, beautiful girlfriend. I gently pushed her on my bed. She was on top of me, kissing me. Suddenly I was on top of her, I started kissing her neck. Making sure to leave red marks to mark what's mine. I removed her shirt and started to move downways, still leaving red marks all over her body.

"Casey?" Izzie asked with her soft voice. We were cuddling in my bed and watching 'The Kardashians'. "Yes?" I answered.

"Would you still love me if I was a.." she started to ask but i interrupted her with "No, I'm not answering those dumb questions". 

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