☞︎︎︎11 - oh...!!!

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Yn. Jung... Kook.... What is this...
Put hand on her mouth in shock...
She rush to took the first aid kit... But get pulled by wrist...

Jk. It's nothing... Not at all just a little wound...

Yn. Just a little... What are you out of your mind... It's really to big...
Took her hand out of his grip and went to took first aid kit... And after some time came with it...

Yn. Move towards that side...
Tell him to show his back for treating his wound...

Jk. Are you feeling shy to face me... Huh...!?!?
In teasing way...

Yn. Don't make me angry just turn to that side...
In angry way...

Jk didn't say anything and turn his back towards Yn...

Yn took out the cotton and pour the little amount of antiseptic on it

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Yn took out the cotton and pour the little amount of antiseptic on it... and start cleaning the blood from the wound... While blowing the air on it 🌬️... He doesn't even make any move and is just feeling Yn's warm air on his back...
A hiccup escape from his mouth making Yn took her hand back from his wound...

Yn. Oh...!!! Sorry... I will be careful...

Jk. Nothing just do it fastly...
In cold tone...

Yn again treat his wound.... And sigh...

Yn. Done...
With that she knee in front of JK telling him to turn his face towards her... He followed what she said... She scan his front side of body... And there is wound on his left shoulder... She treat it JK is just stairing towards him like there is nothing in this world except her...

She treat her shoulder wound and went towards his face and apply some ointment on the small scratches on his face...

Yn. So tell me now what is this all...
While keeping all thing's back in kit... Looking towards him...

Jk. Non of your business...
Grab his shirt and stand up from couch...

Yn. Really...
Stand in front of him...
Yn. And what about you said that day huh...!!??
Repeating his sentence...

"Yes I am your husband so it's my priority to know..."

He let out a sigh... And said...

Jk. I will tell you after some time...

Yn. Why not now...

Jk. It's not right time to say... So...

Yn. Okay...
She didn't say anything by seeing his condition... And leave palt for him... He went to his room

She also went to her room and do her morning routine... And make breakfast fast for both of them... Waiting for him on... Dinning table...

He came out from his room and sit across Yn eating his food...

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