A life in Y/N dereksons

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Y/N's POV:I haven't slept all night those d@mn dreams have been coming back and I needed to get my mind off of it. I grabbed my phone and checked tiktok with my headphones on and cuddling a stuffed animal I owned. I saw the time and sighed...time to go see Derek and my bro. Getting up I changed it was just a simple F/C[favorite color] hoodie,black fingerless gloves that go to my elbows,shorts,leggings with rips in them,and combat boots then I went to Eric's room. I knocked on the door and he opened it hugging the door. "Come on prince,we have work" "Ok-okay" He walked out and held his handkerchief fidgeting with it,I smiled. He was calm and I loved that,whenever he was happy I was happy I mostly cared for him he's my brother while yes he's older I act like the older one.

We got to the table and I already gave Eric his food while I threw Derek's on the counter which surprisingly stay on the plate and I hated that. I just ate cereal and then washed my plate and Eric's even tho he said he could do it himself. Then Derek came down and ruffled my hair but I swatted his hand away from my hair. "No touching" he did his fake @$$ laugh that I hate with a burning passion. "Very funny kiddo,we got work to do" "ugh,fine" "Ye-yes sir!" I looked out the window and saw Jack the laughing clown. "I'll get the mail" "okay" I walked outside and went to him. "What the f^€k are you doing here!? I told you I ain't moving in you clown b!t€h!" "As come on dear~ we miss you much~" "F^€K OFF!" I b!t€h slapped him then got the mail and went inside.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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