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Lu Ranran casually found a tea restaurant, and the two sat down to talk.

Xu Moliang said, "Xiao Lu, Dean Zhang told you about the result of the case, right?"

Lu Ranran shook his head: "No, just say that the other party offered to pay forty thousand."

Xu Moliang: "Yes, some of them are under 14 years old. The police station cannot detain them for a long time. We have to discuss with the prosecutor's office. They do not meet the conditions for prosecution. If there is no accident, they will be released tomorrow."

After that, he carefully observed her reaction. He knew her temper and wouldn't just let it go.

Officer Lu, people always respect me and I respect others. Conversely, if anyone offends her, she will double back.

He said: "Xiao Lu, calm down, no matter what you want to do, you have to think twice."

Lu Ranran was not surprised by this result. She knew that there would be such a day when she knew that they were all under fourteen.

She smiled and said, "Brother Xu, I want to ask you for a favor."

Xu Moliang: "Just say it."

Lu Ranran said: "Think of a way and let them go today. The sooner the better."

Xu Moliang: "...!"

He glanced at her in surprise, "Although there is no way to sentence them, but they are released so soon, but they don't even deter them at all."

Lu Ranran sneered, "Deterrence? Brother Xu, are they enough to deter someone if they kill someone?"

Xu Moliang: "What do you want?"

Lu Ranran's tea-like pupils gleamed in the sun, and said: "Not only should I let them go as soon as possible, but also apologize to them...I want to apologize to them personally."

To do such a thing, not only paid any price, but made the police bow their waists and apologize to them. This great feat will surely make their arrogance swell to the extreme.

Xu Moliang looked at Lu Ranran's eyes and instantly understood.

He felt a slight chill and said to Lu Ranran, "This is too dangerous."

The extreme arrogance will make them do more dangerous things, and others will easily fall into crisis.

Lu Ranran said: "I know, I will ask people to monitor them, and will not let them cause harm to outsiders."

Now that you have raised such beasts, why not try these beasts yourself. "

Xu Moliang thought for a while, then nodded: "You can try it, just let me know if you need help."

Lu Ranran laughed: "There is one right now, please help me to contact a public relations company. After the police station releases someone, I will apologize, and within an hour, let everyone online know the case. ."

Xu Moliang's family owned a film and television company, and he was naturally familiar with the hype and manipulation of public opinion, and he immediately agreed.

This is the first step. Let people all over the country know that these four people, He Bin, raped and killed female classmates in the same class, and said: "The strong are strong. Anyway, you don't break the law. Just kill them." And the day after he was caught by the police, he was acquitted because he was under fourteen at the time of the crime.

Then naturally there is the second step, the third step, and the fourth step...

She will make these people all pay.

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