Getting Nasty after Burgers

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"So what then you just keep em locked up?" Ember asked.

"No just release em back into the ghost zone."

"So can you teleport?" Ember asked.

"I don't think that is possible." Danny said "No I just have a ghost portal. Well my parents do and I use it when they're asleep."

"Come on it isn't a stretch you have other powers." Ember said "You just gotta test some shit out."

"Like what?" Danny asked.

"Oh you could light your hair on fire." Ember suggested. Ghosts often did that when they reached a certain level of power. Too much could damage their forms and corrupt it.

"I don't think I'm game to try that." Danny said.

"Come on once you get use to it it's awesome." Ember said.

"Wait how is your hair on fire?" Danny said.

"Fire proof gel and Sterno." Ember answered quickly. "Come on I'm sure at least one of the fire extinguishers work here."

"Mind if I-" Danny started but Ember got up and landed in his lap.

[Can't find an image of Danny with his hair on fire so here's the closest one the out fit is still the season 1 outfit

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

[Can't find an image of Danny with his hair on fire so here's the closest one the out fit is still the season 1 outfit.]

"Ok this is...actually not that bad." Danny said "Hu feels kinda right."

"I'm feelin somethin' right." Ember said wrapping her arms around his neck "How about we move this to the tour bus and I can make you scream my name."

Embers hands moved to his head and through the fire. Like sticking her hand into a bucket of ice. 'Ice core. Shit.'

Danny's hands made it to her hips and started roaming.

"So this thing got a zipper Or can you phase out of it?" Ember asked.

"Zippers under the front collar." Danny said.

Ember was flown to the tour bus and the two made it into her room. Rock posters, Guitars teal bed sheets.

"Heads up the makeup I use is this weird shit I just mix with bath water and sit in so even if I'm chalk white remember, it's still pink inside." Ember said.

Fenton house 2am

Danny walked in with a face covered in lipstick and his parents were waiting with Jazz sitting in a corner.

"Where were you young man?"

"Ember." Danny said.

"See I said he went to the concert." Jazz shouted.

"Not...exactly." Danny said.

Jack looked and realized something "Danny what did you do?"

"Ember." Danny said.

"So you were at the concert?" Maddie said.

"Maddie…" Jack said "Danny please explain where you were tonight?"

"Well I snuck backstage talk to Ember." Danny said.

"You met Ember?!" Jazz got up but Maddie snapped her fingers and shouted "Sit down."

"We went somewhere. We made out before the concert and I left before the show." Danny said his face zoned out.

"Then why are you two hours later then your sister?" Maddie said, glaring at her son.

"Maddie." Jack placed a hand on her shoulder. More serious then Maddie had ever seen him over something not ghost or fudge. "Keep going Danny."

"She met me at Nasty burger at midnight. We ate, talked and went farther."

"Danny did she hurt you?" Maddie asked

"I fucked a rockstar." Danny said.

"What?!" Maddie and Jazz shouted. Maddie concerned her son got laid and Jazz wanting to know more about Ember.

Jack looked at his son and put both hands on his shoulders. "Son I have two questions. Did you wear protection? And where is this going?"

"Yeah I wore a condom. I think I have a new girlfriend." Danny said.

"Young man-" Maddie started but Jack shook his head.

"Go to bed son." Jack said.

Maddie was confused and Jazz was mad "I come home at midnight and get punished but Danny comes home at 2 and gets off for it?!"

"Danny didn't get detention for leaving class." Jack said "The school called and told us the only student that didn't leave was Danny."

"He did come home late Jack." Maddie said.

"And his punishment will be cleaning the lab. But right now let me be proud of my son." Jack said "He's 16 and showed a lot more maturity than our eldest."

Before anyone asks. Ember is used her powers to stop Danny from asking questions. She can't control him but she can passively effect his thinking to question her.

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