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"What is your decision Devasena?"

The atmosphere was very tense and Aradhya's body was aching badly but she did not pay any heed to it. Devasena did not know what to answer and Baahubali was feeling like his head will explode with all the happenings. Bhallaladeva broke the silence.

"I don't want to marry Princess Devasena Ma."

Everyone was shaken hearing him, and Devasena was happy but a small part of her was disappointed but she didn't why.

"What are you saying, Bhalla? You were the one who asked me to get you married to Devasena then what happened?"

"Father forced me Maa"


Pingaladeva started but was interrupted by Rajmata

"Stop, Bhalla, tell me what happened clearly."

"Father forced me to tell you that I wanted Princess Devasena because he got the news that Baahu liked the Princess. He wanted to create a crack in this family."

Everyone was shocked at Bhalla's revelation and Rajmata's anger knew no bounds, she was burning in rage as she glared daggers at her husband, she was disgusted to even think of him as her husband. Baahu was very hurt that his own uncle wanted to destroy his happiness and angry that he forced his brother. Aradhya was astonished by the happenings and did not know what to say, whereas Devasena was angry but she stayed quiet wanting to see what the Rajmata will do. Bhalla was angry, sad, and hurt and just stood there quietly. 

"Is this true?"

Rajmata asked Pingaladeva who tried to deny but seeing the glares of so many people who believed their elder prince's word made him quiet and Rajmata understood what happened and stood up in rage. 

"Priest, what is the punishment for Royal betrayal?"

"Rajamata, if someone betrays the royal family then he or she needs to live in the village without any luxuries for the rest of his life."

Pingaladeva was shocked and nervous about what will happen, Rajamata nodded and ordered that Pingaladeva be exiled from the palace for the rest of his life, and Pingaladeva was shaken hearing her and yelled that this should not happen but the guards took him out forcefully. 

"I take back my promise Maa"
Bhalla said in an emotionless voice and Aradhya was worried about her friend but she kept quiet deciding that she will talk to him later, while Baahu was a bit happy along with Devasena. 

Rajamata nodded and sat there thinking about what to do. 

"This Vijayadasami Baahu will be crowned as the king and at the very next auspicious date Princess Devasena and Baahu will get married."

Aradhya's heart broke hearing Rajamata's words while Bhalla was happy for his brother but was a bit sad about his father and looked at his friend who had tears in her eyes but she made sure none of them fell and she looked at him and passed him painful smile. Aradhya felt someone else's gaze on her and she saw her brother Ayan giving her a small smile and she returned it with a heavy heart. Two hearts were dancing in joy hearing the news and it was no other than Baahu and Devasena.

What will happen? Will Baahu and Devasena get married? What will happen to Aradhya?

Do vote and tell me how the chapter was in the comments.

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