~Chapter Six~

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I'm so sorry for not posting for a week! Life got really overwhelming and I didn't have time to write but here's the chapter, so enjoy!






Urarakas POV

"Nice to meet you Ochako," she grinned, "I'm Himiko Toga, but you can call me Himiko."

3rd person POV

The two shared a conversation, laughing as the other told an embarrassing story and before they knew it, it was almost 10, the ball coming to a sad end. The blonde smiled at the brunette, then stood, saying goodbye. Ochako watched her go with misery, dreading what was to come when her family asked if she'd chosen a future husband. Without Himiko to distract her, she would have to watch as her mother continued to choose her lifestyle.

(a week later)

Urarakas POV

The streets were filled with commoners as they shopped and chatted. I smiled as I passed booths, receiving smiles in return. Not the "omg that's Queen Urarakas daughter, if I don't smile, who knows what she'll do" kind of smile, the genuine kind.The disguises provided by the maids were spectacular, though just taking me out of a princess dress would have been good-enough. People tended to not stare when they had nothing to stare at. To them, I was one of them. Just another person shopping and talking to shop owners, nothing special. Though to me, it was special. The commoners were different from the royal family, not as overly confident.

I inhaled, letting the scents of baked bread and pastries fill my lungs. I passed a stand, pausing as I caught a reflection. I held in a groan. A royal guard stood not-so-secretly a few feet behind me. I kept walking, as long as he didn't bother me, all would be fine.

Suddenly, there was shouting. People screamed as a hooded figure ran through the crowd, trailed by more guards. I stepped out of the way, barely missing the sword that was drawn from a soldier. A captain yelled orders and the guards split up.

Looking back, I realized my chaperone was no longer following me and was currently trying to calm down citizens. I smiled and snuck down an alleyway, I'd have a few minutes to explore.

The alleyway came to an end, splitting off into two ways. I peered down both pathways, neither seeming unusual and finally chose to turn left. As I traveled further, I started to notice paintings on the walls. They were colorful and full of life, with designs and patterns spiraling in a remarkable way. One depicted a garden with multi-colored flowers, butterflies, and a little wood cabin in the distance. The artist had taken the time to add realistic textures, giving it the effect that it wasn't a painting at all but actually a real place. I continued walking, feeling calmer as more paintings came into view.

Mina's POV

I watched, fascinated, as the person stared at my paintings. The amount of awe in their eyes made me want to give them a hug, but typically, people didn't give random strangers hugs. So, I remained sitting in my comfortable spot on the rooftops, observing.


Q: What is an essential part of your daily routine?

A: Listening to music, it goes with most everything; reading, writing, doing homework, doing self-care, or just partying. It makes me feel in control of myself

Leave answers in the comments :)


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