chapter 4 (on the battle ground)

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Sasha's pov

That day still haunts me. The day at Toad Tower. I regret everything I said and did, and if I could go back in time, I would undo everything.

Anne, the Plantars, and I were all on the top of the tower. Anne and I got into a fight and it was more than just a verbal fight. There were swords. We were both swinging at each other. No one got hurt until Anne took a swing that cut my face. That's how I got the scar on my right cheek.

Just as Anne thought she won, the tower exploded since someone had planted bombs in the tower. The whole tower quickly started to crumble. We all tried our best to get out of the tower before the whole thing fell, but the ground beneath my feet fell off, with me falling with it.

As I was falling, I thought to myself  This is it. I'm gonna die. But out of nowhere, Anne grabbed my hand, saving me. "Hey, hey, look at me," Anne said. "Everything's gonna be ok, just hold on, ok?"

I did hold on. Pretty soon, all the Plantars helped by holding on to Anne's foot. Everything was fine until Polly started to see the ledge they were on start to crumble. "Uhhh guys, we have a situation"

I saw the ledge about to fall and knew what I had to do. "Hey, Anne? Maybe you're better off without me," I said letting go of Anne's hand.

This time it wasn't an accident. I was gonna die, and I wouldn't have been upset if I had. But again, someone saved my life again. This time it was Grime. He caught mid-air. Oddly, I felt safe in his arms. Like nothing bad would happen. (PLATONIC)

All of a sudden, I woke up, breathing heavily. I hate even thinking about that day but I do it often. I think about what it would be like if I did die. If no one saved me. Would I be happy because I'm finally out of these worlds that hate me or upset because people who cared for me lost me? I also find myself wondering if I would do it all again. Not the fighting part. But the almost killing myself. I probably would if I had the chance.

But never mind that. I had to get ready. Grime usually rushes me, but today I got up on time for the first time. I walked over to my makeshift dresser with only 2 things in it: my armor and the clothes I put under my armor.

I slipped off my pajamas and put on the armor. I shifted the curtain aside so I could walk out of the room. I was still really tired but I had a job to do: save Marcy and Amphibia.

As I was walking out, rubbing my eyes, I bumped into Grime. "Oh, lieutenant, you're up. I was just about to get you."
"Yea, I kind of got used to the whole waking up early thing."

"Anne clearly isn't. It took me 5 minutes to even get a reaction out of her and another 20 to get her out of bed."

"Ha, classic Anne. Back home she would always complain about how tired she was at school."

"Cute story, but we need to get outside to train. You never know when another robot could attack."

"Right," I said as I started heading for the door.

As I was about to walk out of the bunker, I saw Anne walk out of her room. I could tell she was still really tired. Maybe it would've been better if Grime just let her sleep I thought as I let out a little giggle.

I walked out the door to the house, only to be welcomed by a whole army of Andrias's robots. I looked over at the wall to see some sort of tracking device. The last robot must have put that there.

I slammed the door, running back to the bunker. "Uuhhh, Grime, Anne, you guys should get out here," I yelled out, trying to wake up the frogs. "Coming," I heard Grime yell out. I looked over and saw Grime pulling on Anne's arm, who had somehow fallen asleep standing up.

"Guys, we don't have time for this! We have to get outside right now!"

"You really weren't kidding when you said she doesn't get up early."

"UGH, JUST HURRY UP," I said going back outside.

When I got out, I pulled out both my swords and started swinging at the robots. I had already chopped up about 10 robots in the first few minutes. "Is that really all you got," I said, taunting the robots.

I guess they really didn't like that since right after they started actually fighting back. I should have seen that coming. I had multiple killer robots shooting lasers at me, and at first, I had everything under control, until I didn't. All of the robots shooting at me was just too much, and pretty soon I couldn't dodge the lasers anymore.

I noticed I was losing so I went to go back inside, but before I could go anywhere, one of the lasers shot me in the back. I immediately fell over. I tried to get back up so I could actually get inside, but my arms gave out and before I knew it, I fell unconscious.

Anne's pov

As Grime was trying to get me outside, I slowly started to wake up. He was pulling on my arm and it was actually starting to hurt. "Dude, chill out. I'm up I'm up," I said in a tired voice. "There's no time to chill out, Sasha said we need to get outside now."  "Well when you put it that way, let's go already!"

We were both headed for the door when I saw something that left me speechless. There was a whole army of Andrias's robots outside and Sasha was lying on the floor with a huge scar on her back. I gasped.

"Grime, get her inside! NOW! I can handle these guys," I ordered. Grime picked up Sasha, bridal style, rushing her inside. As soon as I saw they were both out of danger, I activated my Calamity Powers and started fighting off the robots.

They were tougher than the one on Earth, but I had to do this. I started off by punching a few of the robots and they all exploded into multiple pieces. That method was too slow so I stomped on the ground which let out a surge of energy, knocking them all down. None of them got up, so I knew they were defeated.

I deactivated my powers and quickly ran inside. I needed to make sure Sasha was ok. I ran down to the bunker and into Sasha's room. She was laying on her bed, still not moving, with Grime sitting beside her. I could tell he was trying to be brave, but he was still crying. To be honest, I started crying when I saw Sasha like that.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked through tears. "Lady Olivia," He responded.

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