Cold Comfort Part 3

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Aunt Cass raised an eyebrow at her nephew. "Which is why you should appreciate your brother more," she admonished him. "He's made a lot of sacrifices for you, like the time he rescued you from the bot-fighting bookies. Or like your room—he's got that little corner while you have all that space for your doohickeys," she pointed out. "The least you could do is to listen to him."

"Hey, I DO listen to him, Aunt Cass! Sometimes," he protested before shrinking under his aunt's gimlet stare.

Elsa cleared her throat to bring the discussion back on topic. "Aunt Cass?" she prompted politely, raising her eyebrows.

"Right, I pulled Tadashi from his classes that day, and we rushed to the hospital. Alex was...dead on arrival. Akihiko was barely holding on, like he was waiting for Tadashi. Mom and Dad—your Grandmammy and Grandpappy—were babysitting you that day, Hiro. Your parents were supposed to attend this doctor's luncheon at some fancy hotel when the accident happened." She stopped and blinked rapidly, biting her lip. "A truck lost control and caused a seven-car pileup on the freeway."

Elsa swallowed, thinking about her own parents. Before she could dwell on the thought more, Aunt Cass continued with her story.

"Akihiko made Tadashi promise to take care of you, Hiro. To be your role model and protector, since he can't. Your father went into cardiac arrest right after Tadashi agreed." Aunt Cass closed her eyes and released a slow breath. "I can remember it so clearly—Akihiko whispering to Tadashi that he needed to grow up, and that he was sorry for placing the burden on him, but he had no choice—he was a doctor, he knew he wasn't going to make it. I also heard him say to Tadashi that he regretted leaving you, Hiro. Then that sound—the sound of Akihiko flatlining..."

Elsa listened to the rest of the story, unable to keep her heart from hurting for Tadashi. As Aunt Cass described what happened next, she could see in her mind's eye how they were ushered to the hospital's lobby by a nurse before the defibrillator was wheeled in followed by a harried doctor, with him casting his last look at his father over his shoulder. How he must have clenched his jaw to maintain a calm façade as his tears dried on his cheeks while he and Aunt Cass waited anxiously at the lobby. How his aunt's hands dug into his shoulders as they spotted the doctor walking toward them, hope fluttering in his chest before it was dashed into a million pieces at the words "I'm sorry, ma'am. He's gone."

A boy should never carry a man's burden on his young shoulders, but Tadashi had done so right at that moment, when he had taken a deep breath and uttered a composed "Thank you for letting us know, Doctor."

"Tadashi never told me that," Hiro said, yanking Elsa out of her brooding. He looked a bit dazed over what Aunt Cass told them. "Then again, I...never really thought of asking." Guilt caused his shoulders to sag as he bit his lip, compelling Elsa to reach out and place a reassuring hand on his forearm. He glanced up at her touch and she shook her head.

"Don't beat yourself up over it," she consoled him. "At least now you understand your brother better, right?"

Hiro nodded after a moment. "Thanks, Elsa," he answered with a slight smile.

Silence blanketed the three, each preoccupied with their thoughts. Besides Aunt Cass's story explaining Tadashi's behavior earlier, Elsa mused on how their fathers and younger siblings had such a profound impact on them at such a young age, shaping who they are. That explains why I was so drawn to him, she mused, resting her chin on her interlaced fingers. He made me feel safe and loved, because that's how he had been with Hiro. What about me, though? What can I offer him? Growing up with 'conceal, don't feel' screwed me up big time...I'm still surprised he puts up with me and my...problem.

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