What a shame...

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There he was... my target. He was a handsome boy, tall, dark, muscular, his brown hair sprinkled with snow flakes, and for a brief moment, I saw his eyes... a light grey, like no other, which sparkled at the discovery he made. He'd seen the splintered iron gates of Avalon, and frowned, dread set in his posture, and so he mounted off his horse to investigate. After pinning his white/grey horse to an iron splinter, he entered the snowy desert, gripping to the sword on his flank.

From my view in the shadows, I could see the Camelot crest on his knights uniform, I rolled my eyes; it wont look like that for much longer, I thought. Rhian had specifically asked me to design the new crest for the plan, I made it so it was one with snakes instead of eagles, a personal preference really.

I knew who this boy was, I knew he was the eldest son of Arthur, I knew he lived his early days in Foxwood, and never knew of his right to the throne of Camelot, I also knew that his mother worked in the castle, and was another one of my targets. I knew that he'd gone to the school for good, that he was best friends with that pathetic excuse of a king, that he'd figured things out... and that his name was Chaddick.


I struck my blow, I ran and kicked him in the back, pinning him to the icy floor under the weight of my body. "W-who are you?" He asked, face pushed deep in the snow, cheek red from the cold contact. I didn't answer. As fast as I could, I look his sword and raised it above my head, bringing it down towards his upper back, ready to pierce his beating heart. He moved so quickly I almost couldn't see, as I stabbed his side, my eyes widened. He kicked me off him, toppling me to the ground, and making a wobbling run for it; I grimaced, I'd underestimated his ability, and payed the price for it. My head throbbed from the sudden impact of the floor, but I got up; no matter, I'm in no hurry.

I smirked, knowing his location, behind the tower on the right, I confirmed, for he couldn't cover his bloody tracks. He took off for the stairs, limping and wheezing for air, which made me grow hungrier for his death.

I walked down the steps with ease, my head numbing from the cold of the snow-

There he was, hands clasped, begging the all too famous Lady of the lake, and I knew this is where it ended for his poor, unfortunate soul.

The Lady turned her head to me... smiling.

I had fantasised about how terrified my victim would look, but nothing prepared me for the joy of seeing the utter horror and dread in his shimmering grey eyes.

He knew this was the end, he knew there was no coming out of this alive- which made it all the more fun.

I had his sword clenched in my fist, ready to impale him for the last time. My scims sensed the excitement I had towards finishing this pathetic chase, as I moved over him.

He tried to move, desperately looking for a way out, alas... there was none. He shook violently, trying his best to shield himself from the blow. What good that would do him.. I chuckled.

I brought down the sword, running it through his chest, feeling it penetrate his rib cage, ridding his body of a functioning heart.

He dropped onto the snow without a sound...

Its too bad really, he must've gone his whole life believing he was strong, capable of defending himself against any threat, when really he was lied to, until the very end of his sorry excuse for a life.

I almost feel bad.


What a shame...

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