8. The Quidditch match

Start from the beginning

One person she couldn't read that well was Regulus Black, who was now entering the Hall accompanied by his fellow friends Evan Rosier and Barty Crouch. He always seemed to block every emotions from showing onto his face, and he was the hardest person to read that Cassandra had ever encountered. Remus told her it was because he had learn ever since a child to hide everything due to his house living conditions, a subject that Remus did not care to elaborate since it wasn't his story to tell. The young Delage understood this, but was somehow still a bit curious about the Black brothers life. She only knew that Sirius lived at the Potter's house with James since fifth year, but she never had any other truthful information about this sudden change. As for Regulus, he was so much of a lonely boy that she didn't know much about him. The little part of him that she knew was only a mere consequence of the moment of their talk, where he only seemed lost and fragile, but maybe it was just an effect of her twisted imagination. She was in complete agreement with Remus on this, she shouldn't be invading the Black brothers privacy and their family's story, since she knew none of it and could only make assumption.

After five other minutes alone with her thoughts and trying to ignore the oppressive stares from the Slytherin table, Cassandra saw from the corner of her eyes the whole Gryffindor team, accompanied by Remus, Lily, Peter and Mary. They all look cheerful and the second they entered the Great Hall, all eyes were already on them. No one could deny the aura the Gryffindor players were sending all over the place, but Cassandra tried her best not to look to much, only waving at Lily and Remus. Both of them sat quietly next to her, while the rest of the team sat all around them. They all ate breakfast, Cassandra trying her best to casually avoid all the eyes fixed on her, between Sirius Black and the Slytherin group, none of that being very successful due to her lack of training in the matter.


Lily, Remus, Cassandra and the rest of the Gryffindor house were all up on the bleachers to watch the game that had begun for now thirty minutes. They were almost all protected by transparent umbrellas covering them from the rain, that was in contrast drenching the players on the field. The commentator's voice was blasting through the pitch, alerting the public of all the new move made by the teams.

It was for the moment 60 to 40 for Gryffindor, but the rain was making the Seeker's job harder, and the game seemed to last a long time for the supporters that were trying to see something from their place.

"Look! James scored another goal!"

Remus and Cassandra were already laughing, but they now were bursting even more into laughter, because they had never seen a Lily Evans so eager to watch James Potter play. It was actually very cute to observe and the two friends were really happy that their own friend was getting closer with the other, but Lily's reaction was so much inadequate in comparison of her feelings in the past years that it became comical more than anything else. 

"Merlin, you're laughing at something without me for the past fifteen minutes and I don't like it, what is it?"

Remus and Cassandra straightened their posture and masked their laughing face before turning back to their friend.

"Don't worry about that Lils, just some joke between us. A situation comedy if you please."

"Very potteresque if I might had."

And they both began to laugh seeing Lily's face becoming redder than her flaming hair.

"I- I'm not interested in James Potter."

"We would never think otherwise. But who brought you into this conversation?"

Seeing that Lily couldn't think of an answer, Remus put his hand on her shoulder.

[DISCONTINUED] Prudent - Sirius Black x OCWhere stories live. Discover now