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Another nurse, the one that I was assuming was Renee, came into the room. "Hello, sweetheart," she greeted me. "My name is Renee, and I'll be taking care of you," she said, confirming my suspicions.
"Hi, Renee. I, uh, I might say some awful things to you tonight, but I promise you that I don't mean it. Oof, this kid is just killing me."
"I get it, sweetheart," Renee laughed. "I don't want to assume, so I'm going to ask: is this your first time?"
I nodded. "Yes. I'm really scared," I admitted.

Josh held my hand, squeezing it gently. "You're in good hands, my dear."
"He's right, sweetie. Now, this is going to get a little bit invasive, but I gather that you already knew that. With that being said, we're going to do our exam to see how dilated you are, okay?"
She performed the exam, looking at me. "Okay, sweetie. You're at nine centimeters, so it's going to be time to push soon. I'm going to go grab the doctor, okay?"

"I can't do this without my mom," I said, tears filling my eyes. "I need my mom. I can and will not have this baby without my mom here."
"Hey, baby. I'm so sorry, but this might be something that you might have to do without your mom, but I am here for you no matter what, okay? We are going to do this, okay?"
The tears began to flow. "I can't do this, Josh. This is not going to work. I need my mom. Where the hell is my mom?"
"Alright, babe. I'm going to the waiting room. I'm going to see if your mom is out there, okay? Hang tight for me."

Unfortunately, I couldn't stop crying. "Renee?" I asked.
"What's up, sweetie pie?" she asked, turning from where she was filling out my paperwork.
"I'm really scared," I admitted, wiping the tears from my face with the back of my hand.
"That's okay, Haley. You're seventeen years old. You are currently all by yourself in this room, and giving birth is scary as is for adults that have their lives entirely together. I promise you that it is all going to be okay. We will be here for you the whole time," she replied, scooting her chair closer to me to take my hand.

Just then, Josh returned. "Your mom isn't here yet, but it shouldn't be too long, okay? Jaden was just on the phone with her."
"Why is she on the phone and not here?" I asked, yelling.
"Whoa, please don't yell at me," Josh replied defensively. "I didn't do it."
"Get him to shut up or get him the fuck out of here," I ordered, looking at Renee.
In turn, Renee looked at Josh. "You heard the woman. Let's just take a deep breath, okay? Both of us."

With Renee's words, I realized that maybe I was being a little harsh. "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to be mean to you."
"I understand, sweetheart. I'm doing everything that I can, and I'm sorry that I can't make this any better for you. If I could, you know that I would," he responded,

Suddenly, the doctor entered the room. "Hi, Haley. It's good to see you again. Are you ready to have this baby?"
With her words, I cried again. "I can't do this without my mom. I'm so scared."
"Honey, I can promise you that everything is going to be okay. We are going to get through this. I will try to put it off so that your mom can get here, but I can't guarantee that it will end up that way."
The contractions hadn't been super painful, but this one was not great at all. "Ouch," I whispered.

My mom had still not arrived, but Nessa came into the room. "Josh sent me to keep you company until your mom gets here."
I groaned internally. Nessa had been really nice to me lately, but that didn't mean that she was exactly the person that I wanted to be with me when I gave birth to my daughter. "Thank you, Nessa," I thanked her, trying so hard to be grateful. She had given up her night pretty selflessly, and I wouldn't be a very good person if I just shoved her out of the room. Besides, I didn't really want to be by myself in this hospital room. I was scared enough when Josh was here, and with him gone, it wasn't exactly helping.

Josh returned with my mom in tow, and Nessa slipped out of the room.  "I brought just the woman that you need, okay?" he said.
I nodded, crying, but this time of happy tears. "Thank you, baby. I can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate you."
"Bringing my baby into this world is enough gratitude for me," he answered, kissing me on top of the head. "I love you, and I can't wait to continue this life with you and our baby girl."

The doctor had been checking how far along I was, and I looked at her expectantly. "So, Doc, how are we doing?"
"You're at ten centimeters, dear. It's time to push," she answered.
"Ow," I groaned. "I can't do this. I'm not ready to be a mom."
"You absolutely are," Josh interjected. "You are so smart, so kind, and so unbelievably selfless. You give so selflessly, and you love fiercely. There is no way that you cannot be the best mom that I have ever met," he continued, endlessly complimenting me in an attempt to make me feel better about whether or not I could actually be a good mom.
Mom squeezed my hand. "He's right, you know? You've got this."
"If I've got this," I started, "then it's only because I had such an amazing mom," I groaned, punctuating my sentence. "Mom, I don't think that I can do this."
"You can do whatever you set your mind to, pumpkin. You've got this," she reassured me. I sure hoped that she was right.

BF(F?): A Josh Richards Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now