Annalise's Life Before Harry

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Holly's pov (Anna mom)
Today is the day!!!!! Me and my husband John were so excited cause Annalise was going to be born. It was 10:23 pm when I felt my water broke. We head to the hospital we were there for hours. Later that day April 12th at 5:43 am Annalise Rose Johnson was born we were so happy to have our little girl in ours arms.

Few months later

John's pov (Anna dad)
My little girl Annalise just turn 2 months a week ago I'm so happy to be a dad. But today we have to leave her with a babysitter because it's my boss's birthday party so we have to go. I was already ready playing with Annalise waiting for my wife and Amy the babysitter. Then I see my wife coming down the stairs and I also heard a knock on the door it was Amy. Once she was there we left and head to the party.

Holly's pov
We got to the party we were talking and dancing having so much fun. A crew hours later it was 1 in the morning so we left. We got and the car and John starts driving.

Then the crush happen.....

Last thing I remember is being pull in the hospital and a nurse trying to talk to me after that every went black.....

Amy's pov
It was 3 In the morning Anna was sleeping and I was waiting for Mrs and Mr Johnson to come back home cause I was getting sleepy. Then there is a knock on the door it was a police officer he told me everything I was in tears and fell to the floor. The Johnson had no family in London I was the only one they had, they even had me as their emergency contact. The police officer told me what I had to do with Annalise cause I was only 17 I couldn't keep Annalise so I had to send her to an orphanage. Holly never had a family to be honest and John's family move away cause they never approved of Holly or of them having Annalise.

Later that day

It was 4 pm so it was time for me to leave Annalise in a orphanage I was still in tears. Once I got there I told them everything I put my number in cause I told them if she does not get adopted in 2 years I'm coming to get her back and if she does I hope she has a great life.!! But I still couldn't believe Holly and John were gone for ever..

First chapter and also first book I'm so excited...

Harry Styles adopted me Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang