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I woke up in a cold sweat at 4:28am; I knew the time as I looked at my clock first thing.  Half asleep, my body dragged itself to the bathroom.  I was essentially still unconscious.  I looked in the mirror and was as pale as a sheet.  All the color was gone from my face.  I blacked out after that.

     "What the hell?" I muttered.  I was in something like the black room again.  The one where I lost myself before at the USJ.  This time, having prior knowledge of what happened in this room, I sat completely still.  I knew that nothing was worth thinking about.  As I sat, I looked around.  A blinding white light filled my senses; I thought I was dying.  I felt myself lifted off of the ground.  The room went black again and I was completely knocked out.

     When I woke up, my mom was by my side, sobbing harder than I'd ever seen her before. 

     "Mom..?" I practically had to squeeze that out of myself.

     "Oh my god, y/n!" She launched herself onto me in a loving manner.  She squeezed me hard, something bad had to have happened to me.

     I then realized where I was.  A hospital bed.  The clock on the wall said 3:07 pm.  It had been hours since I'd passed out.  The doctors said I had been murmuring the entire time I was unconscious, but I never said anything worthwhile.  My mom had heard me crash in the bathroom and tried waking me up. When I fell, I hit my head and caused small amounts of bleeding.  Even if I could have just fallen asleep, my mom was still half asleep and not thinking straight.  She thought of the worst and rushed to the emergency room.

     An older doctor came out with more than enough arms.  He was holding something in each. "You're not in a dire situation, but we can't figure out what caused you to faint.  It wasn't just falling asleep, from how you described waking up in a cold sweat, it sounds like a sugar issue.  Your sugar, however, is fine. Do you have a history of sugar problems in your family?"

     "Not that I'm aware of," I replied. I looked over at my mom for confirmation, and she shook her head.

     The doctor looked puzzled. "Peculiar," he mumbled, "I was hoping it wouldn't look this way, but it sounds a lot like a phenomenon happening recently.  Have you been in contact with anyone with a mind altering quirk? Something like mind control, causing visions, or creating voices?"

     "She has a mind reading quirk," my mom answered.

     "Ah, that's not altering though.  This phenomenon can come as an after result to attacks using altering quirks."

     The USJ attack.  It made sense.

     "Actually, a while back, someone with a 'Villian Pack' or something used a quirk on my mind which caused me to see and hear things that weren't real."

     "That's precisely what I'm looking for.  It seems like that's the most probable answer.  We don't specialize in quirk related illnesses here, though.  The research we have is sent to a team a few miles away.  For now, the only thing we can do to help you is get your rest.  I can prescribe pain relief pills for any headaches, and get you an excuse for school." He wrote with multiple arms on different papers.  How he could multitask so well was beyond me.

     "And mom," he said, looking over to her, "keep an eye on them.  This shouldn't be fatal, but we still don't know a lot about it.  If they start to pass out again, make sure they're laying down.  And while they're unconscious, check to make sure nothing abnormal happens."

     "Yes sir."

     My mom left the room with the doctor to sign my discharge papers.  A nurse came in the get me ready to leave.  He had a quirk similar to Uraraka, but not exactly the same.  He could move things with telekinesis, but it had an extra asset.  No matter how much force he used, he couldn't drop and break something.  Everything had a slow fall towards the end, causing a light impact.

     The nurse and I joined back with my mom.  He helped me into our car and gave me a sticker.  I didn't even know they still did that.  It was a cute little cat with a dumb pun.  "A purr-fect patient!"

     I fell asleep on the car ride home.  The only dream I had was thinking I was awake.  When my mom woke me up at home, she walked me to my bed.  She asked me if I was hungry, but I was so tired I couldn't eat.  She brought me some water and Tylenol.  After taking it, I went back to sleep.

     I have to have a fan on to fall asleep.  I like to keep it freezing in my room and cover up in a huge blanket.  I also like the noise of the fan.  If it's too quiet, I can't handle it.  My mom knows this and adjusted my room to my liking.  I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have her.  My step dad was at work while I was in the hospital.  He came in to check on me, but I was asleep.  Even if we don't talk, I know he still cares about me.  I hope he knows the same about me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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