Moving in

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You decided to move in with your brother edd so you wouldn't be lonley anymore. You knocked on edds door only to be greeted with a tall ginger wearing a purple hoodie. Confused, you asked for edd. The tall ginger yelled for edd. As edd came down the stairs he noticed who you were. "Sissy!!" Edd yelled. Edd gave u a big hug witch almost knocked you down, but you were glad to see edd again. "TOM" edd yelled. A blue hoodied man with no eyes walks down the stairs with a flask in his hand and says hello to you. "Who is the purple hoodied one?" You ask "IM MATT!" Matt excitedly yells. "Dont startle her" edd said. "Sorry." When matt apologized you got butterflies for some reason you dont know. "Everyone, this is Y/N" Tom didn't seem to exited about somebody new moving in, but you just thought he was shy. "So.. We dont have any spare rooms... Who do you want to share with?" Edd startled you with the sudden talking. You knew tom was a big no, you wanted to move into edds room but he said he didnt have enough room so you picked matt. "Uhm...Matt" you said "YAYYY!!" Matt then hugged you (forgeting the fact that you were complete strangers) grabbed your hand and took you to his room... (The attic). He gave you a tour of his room and dragged you back to where all the others were. After a few hours of horseplay and getting to know eachother, you decided you were getting sleepy and you and matt decided to go sleep in his room. "Soo where am i going to sleep..?" You said "uh..." "With me!!" Matt said. You blushed but hopped in the bed with matt and sleept.
editor's note
I am extremely sorry for bad spelling and cringeyness this is my first story lol.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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