Chapter 1: Joanna

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"Joanna, hurry up! I need to go to the Bathroom!" Joanna's young brother, Luis, whined.

Joanna Davidson was currently in the process of getting herself ready for another day of school. As usual, Joanna washed her face, brushed her teeth, detangled her long, blonde hair, and applied a bit of makeup to emphasize her natural beauty. A frequent ritual that not everyone could appreciate. "Can't you hold in for a little longer, you Baby?" she asked, teasing her little brother.

"I'm not a baby! And You know that! Now let me in! Or I'm going to explode-," Luis paused for a moment. "Or what?" Joanna chuckled as she resumed to finish up her look. A mischievous grin formed upon Luis's face as he continued, "Or I am going to exploded in your room. On. Your. BED."

Suddenly, the bathroom door swung open with a fierce Joanna popping out. "You BETTER not!" She snapped.

"Thank you~." Luis smiled as he went in, pushed Joanna complete out of the bathroom and slammed the door behind her.

"Hmph!" Joanna stomped away to her room and she muttered under her breath, "That little Brat."

Once Joanna got to her room, she went towards the outfit she had already laid on her bed and got dressed. Today she was going for a relaxed yet a bit sophisticated look. She put lotion on her arms and legs, so they don't get ugly and dry up.

Joanna combed her Golden Blonde hair again to ensure there weren't any knots and put it in a bun.

Afterward, She put her silver high heels and hoops on. Then, Joanna put her precious necklace that had her name on it.

When she finished and got her bag with her school materials, She went downstairs to get some breakfast.

Joanna caught the scent of her mother's homemade pancakes. Her mouth watered as she got to the kitchen.

"Good Morning, sweetheart. I made you and your brother some breakfast before you two went to school." Her Mother's normal bright smile lit up the room.

"Thanks, mom! Oh, can I borrow your car again? Mine is still getting fixed." Joanna asked as she took a bite of the delicious pancakes. Her mother had always made them in figures, like animals or objects. Her pancake was in a shape of a cat.

"Again? They're still fixing your car?" her mother asked as she put a fresh batch of pancakes on the pile.

"Ya. They are taking forever! Anyways~. Can I still borrow your car? Pleeeaaassseee, Mommy!" Joanna begged. She always did this to get what she wanted.

"Ok...But you have to drive your little brother to school." She said as she cut off a piece of her pancake and chewed on it.

"WHAT!? I'M NOT GANNA DRIVE THAT BRAT TO SCHOOL!" she protested. Her mother, still calm, looked at her and said," If you don't, You won't get to borrow the car."

Joanna crossed her arms and sighed, "fine... i'll take the pest to school."

Luis ran into the kitchen and ate his food as quickly as he could. It was late for both of them. Yet, Joanna didn't know.

Joanna wondered why he was in a hurry till she saw the clock in her kitchen. 7:30, They were both very late. They kissed their mother on the cheek and ran to the car.

Joanna Dropped off her little brother at War Hanks Middle (he is in 8th grade). He waved goodbye and ran off to his classroom.

Joanna drove off to her school. She goes to Rain Fall High.

As she parked, she looked at the time, 7:50 a.m.

A wave of relief went over Joanna when she saw the other students in the courtyard. 'The bell must not have rung yet.' She thought as she got her bag, Fixed her dress, and went to look for her friends.

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