Pills #4

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Brianas eyes opened slowly, adjusting to the light that shined threw the window, she looked down at the bedsheet covering her and noticed the arm draped over it, she mentally cursed at herself as she turned to look at kelce who was still passed out beside her, Briana lay her head back and looked up at the celling, she remembered everything from last night, every touch, every feeling she enjoyed it

The boy stirred awake opening his eyes to see the girl and smirked "get that smirk off your face kelce or I swear to god" Brianna turned to face him "fuck I love it when we do that brie" he told the girl eying down her neck and chest, Briana pulled the bedsheets up more to cover her and the boy let out a small laugh "shut up" Briana told the boy rolling to face the other way and sitting up keeping her front covered

Kelce sat up behind her and moved closer on his knees and placed a hand on the girls waist, he bent his face down into her neck and started kissing his slowly, Briana didn't want to enjoy it, she hated herself for giving in but her head found itself leaning back onto kelces shoulder and one of her arms reaching back to grab his neck "kelce you know I only do this when we are both drunk" the girl whispered moaning his name quietly "who says were sober?" He asked her taking his face out her neck and turning her head to look at him

Briana leaned in kissing the boy and he pulled her back and pushed her back slowly down onto the bed getting inbetween her legs, his lips moved down her body slowly leaving marks down her stomach and onto her thighs beside the ones from last night

Brianas head threw back onto the pillow as kelce made contact with her

Briana walked out kelces house walking down the street to get back home, after 20 minutes she found herself walking threw her front door. She decided to take a shower and go down to the beach after whisking away the hickies kelce had gave her (yes the hack works)

She threw on her red bikini and a oversized top throwing her flip flops on and walking out her house down to the beach, she set her towel up and took her top off throwing it beside her towel "well don't you look hot" someone spoke from behind her

Brie turned around to see the blonde boy from the other day "ah ice cream boy" brie smiled "John bs little sis" he smirked "can I help you?" She asked him "well you could yes, you see my dear friend John b has ditched me for the day and I can't find him" he told her "it's John b, he's probs laying in a ditch somewhere" she joked "yeah that's for the help" he said sarcastically turning to walk away

"Wait, John b usually hides out at my place when he wants to be alone" she told him and he stopped to face her "ok let's go" he said "excuse me?" Brie asked confused "we are going to your place let's go" he said helping her grab her stuff "eh yeah ok sure" she got up and followed the boy to his van

Briana stoped outside the van "seriously?" She asked looking at the boy "yes now get in" Briana rolled her eyes getting in the passenger seat, jj took off and started driving to brianas house "he might not be there just so you know, I haven't seen him since I left his house the other day" she told the boy "yeah well I haven't seen him in 26 hours so I don't care where I'm looking" he told her and she smiled "you really care about him huh?, are you gay?" Briana asked and jj choked "what! No god no Jesus Briana, John b has been my bestfriend since I can remember he's the only family I've got" he told her and she smiled "that's cute"

"Shup up" he told her turning the music on full blast

The rundown van pulled up outside brianas house "you sure your parents won't mind me being here?" He asked her "mums on the mainland till midsummers and my dad hasn't been home in a month cause some stupid case he's working on" she told the boy jumping out the van and walking to the front door, the girl unlocked it and walked into the house, jj followed close behind her and his eyes light up as he walked threw the entry way "fuckin kooks" he muttered

"Hey that's cute" he pointed to a picture of Briana, Briana rushed over putting the picture down onto its face "can we just look for John b and get this over with?" she asked And the boy nodded still looking at the photos on the selfs

"Hey is that big John and John b?" Jj asked looking at a photo, Briana came up behind him and looked at the photo, it was a picture of big John holding her up in the air with John b running behind, the girl laughed nodding "yeah, him and my mother was good friends, you know before he disappeared, that was the day big John taught me to fish" she smiled and the boy laughed "you can fish, that I have to see" he said turning to face her laughing

"I'm a very good fisher I'll have you know!" Briana told him hitting his arm, "yeah yeah ok, sure thing" jj agreed nodding his head "I am!"

"Briana is that you!" A voice came from the kitchen

"Mom?" Briana walked threw to the kitchen with jj behind her "thought you weren't getting back for a few more days?" Briana asked "yeah well I thought I would come home and make sure everything was ready and we had everything for midsummers and it's a good think I came home cause you don't even have a dress yet" her mother told her "oh and hello" her mother greeted jj with a smile

"mrs carpenter" jj smiled back "please call be Amelia" she told the boy and he nodded

"Now Briana I told you to get a dress months ago so you need to go find one now" her mother told the girl and she nodded "I will once I help jj find John b I promise" brie smiled "well of your looking for John b I seen him on the mainland before I got on my boat over" she told the pair and they looked at eachother confused "what is John b doing on the mainland?" Brie asked confused "I have no idea hun but he was with Sarah Cameron" she told Briana before leaving jj and her in the kitchen

"John b and Sarah are on the mainland together, what the hell!" Jj yelled "Sarah never told me she was hooking up with him, that bitch" brie said annoyed "well looked like we solved your issue, now you can help me" brie smiled at the boy "help with what exactly?" Jj asked confused

"You see, I hate shopping myself and I could used a guys opinion so your gonna help me find my dress" Briana smiled at the boy "hell no" he replied and the girls smiled dropped "hey! I helped you" Briana argued back "so? Doesn't mean I wanna go dress shopping" jj said annoyed "It will be fun plus we can go for food after, my treat" Briana winked at the boy walking out to the Van, jj somehow found himself following the girl with a smile

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