chapter 15

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•°•Like people who came and went

I guess we just weren't meant to be

I wonder if the phone will ring

I hate myself for anticipating uselessly

The tick-tock of my clock is

Especially bothering me°•°


Dylan's Pov... 

Closing the tap I squeezed the handkerchief to remove the water and made my way back to my room. Taking the guitar I sat on the couch and aced on my thigh before starting to clean it softly. After I was done. It looked back all shiny again.

 I kept the napkin on the table and positioned the guitar the way it is played. Hesitating for a minute i finally grazed my fingers over the string making a melody to be heard from it And a flashback to arise in my mind. 


Flashback [ Dylan: 18 & Hazel: 17]

"Teach me" A voice demanded

I turned around and looked amused at hazel who had a small pout on her as her hands crossed over her chest looking all sassy. 

We were in the corridor of my mansion. Hazel had came to meet me and she accidentally heard me playing guitar and now the music lover she was she was bugging me since I denied telling her that she could get the best tutor ever. 


"Please dylan. Teach me I want to learn" She stomped her foot on the floor like a five year old kid

I sighed "But Haz you could get any music tuto-

She cut me off

" No tutor. I want to learn from you"


"Teach me"

"Hazel liste-

"Teach me"

"You can-

"Teach me"

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