Part Two

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The picture above is Jasper the pet dog.
I sigh as I drop the last cardboard box on my already crowded bed exhausted. I stretch out my back as I look around the room. My new room that I'm going to live in for the rest of my life. It's pretty messed up, but Dad did say he was gonna get right on painting the ceiling, putting the wallpaper up and laminating the floor first thing tomorrow. I'm done with my boxes. Mom and Dad must be arranging the ornaments in the kitchen, as the furniture had been already set up when the moving men helps us. It was a big house, with five bedrooms, two lounges, a dining room, a kitchen with both a downstairs and upstairs bathroom, but I get my own private one. The basement was pretty big, too, bigger than my old house. We just keep my Dad's working out stuff and my Mom's yoga mat down there as well as Jasper's toys and training equipment. The attic was also amazing. Dad had set up a telescope right next to the dome shaped window and some old boxes that we were supposed to donate with things we didn't need any more all huddled up in a corner. The back garden is beautiful and huge. The table and chairs sat in the shade of the roof on the stone porch with stone steps. The outdoor swimming pool is quite small, like about fifteen metres in length and eight metres in width on one side of the garden, the greenhouse behind it. On the other side of the garden is full of freshly smelling grass with the trampoline in the middle. The shed behind it contains tool boxes and bikes, my skateboard, roller skates, my soccer ball. Stuck just above the sliding glass door for the entrance to the garden is a backboard with a basketball net, with the ball already laid directly underneath it near the table and chairs. We also put Jasper's green kennel outside too in case he misbehaves. He is with me now, sitting at one end of my bed. Normally, Mom would not allow this just in case he gets the duvet dirty, but I train Jasper myself and I know he would never do this and he never has. He's the world to me, Jasper is. It took a lot of convincing to my parents to get a dog. But, with just a little persuading and compromising, I got round them and the next minute or so we were at the pet shop.
I flop myself on the bed, some of the coat hangers laid there poking me in the back. I turn my head to look at Jasper, who stares at me intently. I know that look. He uses it when he wants treats. And who could blame him? He didn't get to eat anything since this morning when we immediately began sorting out the many moving in boxes that were still left to unpack. None of us did. I stroke him, 'I know, boy. I'm hungry too. But I don't know where Mom has kept the dog treats,' I say to him and he whimpers. 'Nawwww, but don't worry. I'll try to find some food for both of us.' His face lightens, sticking his tongue out and sits up as I scratch him under his neck before I walk out. I slide down the twisty stair railing a jump off as I reach the end. I find Mom in the dining room, setting up the table. I take a whiff of the atmosphere and peer over at the stove, where something is already bubbling inside.
'Mom..?' I start.
'Yes sweetie?'
'Jasper and I are hungry.'
'Don't worry, I'm preparing dinner. It will be ready in just a few more minutes.' She turns around and smiles and tucks her hair behind her ears. I don't inhabit much things from my mother. She has short blonde hair that barely reach her shoulders, but I have the same hazel eyes as her as well as the same stubby button nose. She's quite young as she had me when she was twenty one years old and dad was twenty three. I can't say that child birth has changed her body at all, because it hasn't . She's slim and curvy and that family member who doesn't eat much fast food.
I walk up the stairs and as soon as Jasper sees me, he runs up to me with his tongue out panting.
'Mom is preparing dinner so you'll have your food then, ok?'
He gives two small woofs in reply meaning that he got the message. He walks with me to the garden and runs into his kennel, playing with his favourite toy, a squeaky ball that I gave him for his welcoming gift. I find dad at the other end of the garden near the shed with a clutter of wood beside him on his working table.
'Hey Dad!'
'Hey, my lovely!'
I look more like my Dad than I do to my Mom. He has the same straight black hair as me and we have the same smirk and laugh. Dad and I are really close, we even have a special secret handshake. From my old school, my friends used to say that my Mom was very beautiful and my Dad very handsome which is where I got my looks from, but I'm not the type of person who thinks myself as gorgeous. In fact, I don't think I've ever thought about that before.
'Watcha doing, Dad?'
'Making a shelf unit for you in your new bedroom where you can display your favourite things. It's going great so far.' I can also say that my Dad is a bit of a handyman when it came to this kind of stuff.
After we had dinner, Jasper and I played a bit in the garden, whilst my parents did some more arranging around the house. Mom worked on the lounges, fussing where to put the couches and the coffee table whilst Dad tidied around in the attic and basement. At night, I helped Dad paint the ceiling. Mom went a little bit nuts when I said I wanted to do this, so she got me to wear some of my old clothes from the throwing away box. After doing this, it was getting pretty late and I couldn't stop yawning as I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and climbed into bed in my pyjamas. It felt weird because the bed was put right in the middle of my room, with my drawer because the wallpaper was still needed to be put on. Dad said he was going to make a sliding wardrobe for me like he did in my old house. I see Jasper in his little bed, laying down on top of a giant pillow before I went to sleep.

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