The Preparation

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"Muggle London

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"Muggle London." George announced and Iris turned from where she stood in the kitchen looking over the latest Daily Prophet to look up at him. 

"What on earth has gotten you so excited." Iris pondered as she looked at the man who's attention was seemingly on his own newspaper. 

"We could get a place in muggle London. The conversion rate is shit but there are plenty options for us to get a place out there." George had started to look to leave the flat they were currently residing in. It seemed as though a switch had been flipped following his 22nd birthday as he had been insanely searching for somewhere new. After the initial hatred he had for leaving the flat to now searching for somewhere new. It was a 180 turn if she had seen such. She knew neither what the sudden interest in leaving was. And sure Iris did not really feel like the flat was home to her, nor did she feel incredibly comfortable living there. But she would not rush a move. And she would never rush a move just because of the man himself. 

"Anything decent out there?" Iris moved her way over to see what he was looking at. The newspaper he had opened was a muggle one. And he had remained open on the page for the local property listings. But from Iris could tell upon just looking at them, they were all either way out of anything they could afford at their age or they needed much more work than she was willing to put into the first place she owned. 

"Well maybe... no this paper is full of shit. We'll have to physically go out and look. They have estate agents perhaps it would be best we enquire in one of those?" George responded as he too came to the conclusion that those in the paper he had looked at, the photos either did no favour for or were just absolute shitholes. More likely the latter of the two options. 

"We can go and look whenever you want."

"Now. Lets go now. You don't have work until later this evening lets go enquire now." George seemed to have made his mind up as he rose from the spot he had been siting in on the sofa and started to make his way to where the coats were hung and the shoes tucked neatly away. 

"Guess we're off out." Iris mumbled realising her nice and easy morning before work was not going to be such any longer. Though she did not object.

She would later object upon realising that they just couldn't walk into a muggle estate agents and claim they were looking for a house. It would be much more complicated as they would need to supply evidence they could purchase a house, which they could not do outright and would therefore need a mortgage. And mortgage paperwork was pretty difficult. Especially considering that George was self employed. That and neither of them exactly earnt money in the muggle currency. They would need to work out through their own systems how they purchased one of these houses. Especially when George found a particular looking mid terraced house in the window of the estate agent that he desperately wanted to look further into. 

"That was rather a miserable escape into London." George huffed the moment they returned to the flat his mood much more deflated than it had been when he had first initially got the idea to go on such an excursion. 

"There must be someone here we can go to who will help. It's not like we exactly have a booming housing market ourselves." Iris pondered aloud as she considered just how her parents must have brought their house considering that was in the normal community of Nottingham and not a specific wizarding area or village. 

"You genius. I knew there was a reason I want to marry you." George exclaimed but Iris quickly spun back from where she had been a little distance ahead at his words. A look of disbelief crossed her features as she looked at the man. 

"You want to marry me?" Iris had never heard George say anything along those lines. She knew that they would get married they didn't really have any choice in the matter after all it was kind of law. But this was the first time she had ever heard him mention anything along the lines of marriage. Yet alone him actually admitting to wanting it. 

"Of course I do Iris." George spoke like it was the most obvious thing he could have ever said to her. 

"Not just out of obligation?" Iris wished she did not sound so insecure in that moment, she should have been so secure in her relationship. But here she remained acting like a schoolgirl.

"I fought against the obligation from the beginning Iris. But you were determined and you won me over. You stole my heart Iris. The only obligation I feel to you is marrying you in a grand event. I have an obligation to ensure our wedding is one of fairy tales." George's words had enough conviction that they should have convinced Iris. But she was just a little stubborn and despite her heart warming to the kind words, the charming smile. Her brain was still telling her otherwise. 

"George...I." Iris paused she truly did not know what to say back to him. He had essentially stunned her silent. 

"Shit, I have the ring Iris." George was in full panic mode as he now looked at the witch and with a subtle wave of his wand a small box seemed to fly through the room from Iris could only imagine where. 

"Marry me." George did not pose it as a question, it was a direct statement. And Iris finally felt her emotions bubble over as tears gathered in her eyes. She nodded her head yes. And as he opened the box to show her the ring inside neither commented on how this was probably not the proposal either of them wanted but this was enough. 

It would always be enough if it was the pair of them.  

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