Yandere Bill x lovesick Dream

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Requested by TomokoTamura

Dream was married to bill for 2 years,but their relationship isn't as nice as it seems,bill keeps on cheating on dream multiple times,dream already got used to that,bill also abused dream and tell him not to get with his friends,Dream is a lovesick person,no matter how many times that bill is cheating or abusing him,he still loves him

Dream was cleaning the house,when suddenly bill came home,dream happily welcome him and invite him in to the dining room to eat with him,bill yelled dream to shut up,dream was shocked and scared,he knew bill had a very bad day,dream started to think that he wasn't a very great wife to him,

In the middle of the night,Bill had a nightmare,bill was in a dark void,there's nothing around him until he saw dream,bill is about to touch dream shoulder when suddenly he pushed bill away,bill was shocked on his action,dream had tears in his eyes,and anger is what he's felling right now,dream told everything thing that bill done, cheating on him,abusing or not let him get with his friends until he decided to broke up with him,bill was crying and shocked to hear what he said,dream left to the darkness,bill is trying to reach him but he can't

He suddenly woke up felling scared,he realizes it's just a nightmare,no not just a nightmare but a warning,this might happen to the future one day,bill gone insane,he wants dream to stay with him and his forever

Bill called dream to the hallway,and hug him,dream hug back with a little hasitation,he started to put on a spell removing all the memories that cheat on him and abusing him,and he whispered "Don't worry little light,I will protect you from now on,I promise"and dream passed out on bill arm still hugging him

The end
337 words


Nightmare is accually the caused of bill's nightmare, Nightmare saw everything that bill done to him and decided to give him a nightmare about dream breaking up with him

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