A simple love story

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Everything was normal, exactly how its supposed to be.

Sasaki looked at the zoned out underclassmen. "Everything ok miya?" Miyano snapped out of it.

"Ok yeah I'm ok! I'm just a little tired, I was up late.. playing video games."

His face was turning pink in embarrassment

"Aww you were reading bl weren't you?" The taller boy Snickered

"Don't say that out loud! What if someone hears!?" The dark haired boy was as red as an apple. Sasaki laughed as they walked threw the hall soon realizing he had to turn at the oncoming side hallway.

Sasaki looked at his boyfriend to talk

"Awww sorry Sasaki, I have to go to the principals office for the attendance papers" miyano sighed

"Oh no problem! I had to go right anyways because I have to see the P.E teacher about something, wanna walk home together?"

Miyano looked at the taller boy, noticing that his smile was as bright as the sun, he couldn't be luckier to have him as a partner.

"I- uh- of course! Maybe we can watch the sunset go down, I heard it's gonna be really pretty tonight!"

Sasaki smiled more as his beloved boyfriend talked "awesome! I'll see you at the entrance?"

"Mhmm!" they both waved goodbye and parted ways.


The dismissal bell rang.

"Alright everyone, as you leave please come up here and grab your homework, I hope to see everyone's assignments monday. Have a great weekend!"

Sasaki looked out the window and sighed.

"Hey Sasaki, you alive? The teacher dismissed us. Here's your homework." Hirano stated, getting the orange haired males attention.

"Oh yeah thanks.." He pit his head on the desk causing a thud. "What's wrong now sasaki?" Hirano sighed. "I don't want weekend homewoorrrkkk" Sasaki replied with a groan.

"Well complaining isn't gonna make it go away sasaki. Now hurry up because I have an after school meeting to attend."

They packed up and headed to their lockers, grabbing their things. Hirano waved his goodbyes and headed to the meetings room while sasaki walked to the entrance looking for miyano.

Miyano waved his friends goodbye as they got their things from the locker.

He walked to the front entrance hoping to see sasaki.

"Hey miya!" Sasaki smiled hello

"Oh hey Sasaki! I was looking for you!"

"Aww I was looking for you too! Ready to head out? We can go to the park and watch the sunset you were talking about!"

Miyano agreed and they headed off. Going to the store to grab some snacks and heading over to the park, playing with some dogs until the cheesy couple decided that it was time to lay down the blanket and wait.

"That dog bit pretty hard- super cute though" miyano sighed

"At least she didn't mean it, could have been so much worse.. are you ok though for real??"

Miyano looked straight at sasaki.

"You've asked that 6 times now, yes sasaki I'm ok I promise" the dark haired boy chuckled.

"I'm just checking on you, we should go to the doctor to make sure it won't infect..."

"Sasaki, I promise I'll be fine, it didn't even draw blood."

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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