first date

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Hopes pov

Me and Lizzie have been dating for about a week now and it's gotten a little easier to be around Josie. I haven't fully forgiven her but I can tell her apologies are sincere. I was sitting in the cafeteria with Kaleb, MG, Raphael, Penelope and Josie when Lizzy walked in she walked over to our table and set down I got up and walked over to her and then she pulled me onto her lap.

Lizzie. How's your day been princess

Hope. Its been good babe I was thinking we could go on a date later today I can plan it and let you know when

Lizzie. Okay sounds like fun it'll be our first official date

I turn and smile at her and she plants a kiss on my lips and again on my forehead. When I turned back around I could see Landon from across the cafeteria he looks so angry. I just Smirked and continue to eat my food. After school I start getting ready for my date with Lizzie I decided to have it at the Old Mill so I cleaned it up and got all our favorite foods blankets and pillows so we could just relax and hung up some lights. I got my computer so that we could watch movies if we wanted I know that we could have done this in my room but I just wanted a bit more privacy considering we're in the school Supernaturals. I dressed casual and told Lizzie to do the same. I texted Lizzie to come to the Old Mill when she arrived a huge smile broke out on her face I took her hand and let her further into the mill.

Lizzie. Baby you did all this I love it

We sat down and ate her food while watching shows on my laptop cuddled up with all the pillows and blankets we talked while I painted and the last hour we spent there we just cuddling. We decided to pack up and head back to the school around 9:30 when we got back to my room she pulled me in for a kiss and it started to get more heated. After a while of making out we both got ready for bed. When we both got into bed I laid my head on her chest listening to the rhythm of her heartbeat when she broke the silence

Lizzie. Babe tonight was amazing I had a great time I get to plan our next day okay

Hope. Yeah I had a great time too

Hope. Goodnight love

Lizzie. Goodnight princess

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