Cooking For Him

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He have been working really hard recently and he have been constantly saying how he is craving some of home made food rather than take outs his secretary brings him in.

So you got off work early that day and decided to make him some food.You called him up to see when he's going to return home and got to know that it'll be yet another all-nighter.

So you decided to go and surprise him at his office, you've been there max to max once or twice so you were a little nervous but you went anyway.

For once you saw him all serious and concentrated. It was like he was a completely different person but as soon as his secretary pointed you out amongst the crowd of side-kicks and employees, his face lite up and there was the guy that you knew.

It actually put you to ease as you two walked to his cabin. Before you could turn around to close the door, he hugged you. As you two broke the hug your eyes met his and you instantly felt bad for him because they look so tired and had dark circles under them.

As if he read your mind, "I'm fine, it's only for a little longer." Before you can protest he turned towards the package that you bought him.

You were still sad because his state so you decided to ask if he can at least come home to rest for some time. So you made your way across the table but before you could say anything you me this eyes and they had tiny tears in them.

You got worried but then realized he was just happy. He does this a lot when he's genuinely happy about something, he puts his lips in a pout and has tears in his eyes.

He was so happy to just think that there was someone who was thinking about him, looking after him when he was out there doing the best he can to save the world. For you it was just a dinner but for him it was a lot more than that.

Well, safe to say that it DID made him come back home with you.

Hawks X Reader | Hawks Imagines | Keigo TakamiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora