1.Truth or Dare

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TW: Language, eating, dares, water, gender dysforia


"Alright WELP *clap* Bye chat see you hmmm, what about Sunday does that work for you all? Alright hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!" The streamer said to his chat as he clicks the end stream button. Ranboo looks at the time, '12:37am, well I got things to do later so I better get some sleep.' And with that he walks over to his bedroom, sits down on his bed and looks through Twitter on his phone. Not tired yet but promising himself to sleep by 1 am. While scrolling though the app he sees fanart, cosplays, people talking about his stream, random other things and his friends tweets. He continued until one particular thread catches his eyes.

"How to know if you're trans, mtf, and some tips on how to pass, a 🧵"

He didn't know why but he clicked the thread and read it. He not only read it all but related to some on the stuff on there. Ranboo tries to push the questioning thoughts out of his mind and looks at the time once more. 12:58 am. He sets an alarm for 10am on his phone and quickly falls asleep, questioning things and having strange dreams where he was a girl.

Time skip brought to you by Ethan in the French catacombs.


Ranboo wakes up to his alarm beeping his normal alarm. He groggily gets up shutting off the alarm, takes a shower and gets ready for the day trying to not think about last night. He walks to his kitchen and makes breakfast which was just canned beans somehow messing up in the process. "Who the FUCK manages to make canned BEANS wrong?" Ranboo half yells to absolutely no one but himself.

Once hes done eating his messed up beans he grabs his mask, phone, an extra pair of clothes and pajamas. He walks out the door and heads to the train station. Ranboo was going to Tubbos house for a 'sleepover' with him, Tubbo, Aimsey, Tommy, Guqqie, Lani and Bill for a night.

After 20 minutes of walking he gets to the train station and gets on the train to Bognor. He still couldn't get last night out of his head. 'Why did I click that thread? Why did I relate to it? Do I want to be a girl?' He kept thinking about it during the ride until the train stopped. Ranboo walks off the train pushing the thoughts into the back of his head before getting an Uber to Tubbos house.

He knocks of the door and Tubbo opens it almost instantly. "Hey bossman! Welcome back to the Tubbo gaffe!"
He didn't know why but he cringed at the name. Was he really trans?
"Uh hey Tubbo glad to be back." They both smile at eachother and walk into the house. Looks like Ranboo was the last one there.

The gang heads to the beach because no one was hungry yet. Bill, Tommy, Guqqie and Tubbo were already in the water with a beachball. Under the hood of the car (Ranboo drove everyone there in Tubbos mom's car), Aimsey, Lani and Ranboo were sitting in the shade waiting for their sunscreen to dry because they are responsible.

Ranboos mind was still on the whole girl thing until he heard a voice calling him. "Ranboo are you listening?" Ranboo looked over at the voice talking to him, it was Aimsey. "Uh what? Sorry I was just thinking about stuff." He apologized. "What were you thinking about? You don't have to tell us." Lani joined in the two chatters.
"I'd rather not say right now, it's something private."
"Oh alright, anyways I was wondering what you wanna do today?" Aimsey asked once again. The three chat some more until their sunscreen dried.

Ranboo was about to go into the water but then looked down. "I'm as flat as a cutting board, wait what am I thinking?" He whispered to himself, at this point really wondering if he was infact a she. He shook his head and decides not to swim. He goes back to the car where Aimsey was still sat down. They didn't really want to swim either.

They chat a bit together about who knows what until everyone came out if the water hungry. They all decided to go to a new café that was in town. When they get there they sit down and look at the menu. The waitress comes over to ask them what they want, but of course, Ranboo was zoned out, thinking once more. His thinking was interrupted by a voice.
"Sir are you ok? You looked zoned out?" The waitress asked the tall human. Again not liking the masculine word. "Oh yeah I'm fine just thinking, I'll have a chocolate donut and some caramel coffee please."

They stay in the café a bit longer laughing and chatting with their food and drinks. Before long it was 8pm and they go back to Tubbos house. They all walk inside but before Ranboo walks though the door a hand on his shoulder stops him, it was Lani. "Ranboo are you doing alright? I noticed you've been off all day." She had concern in her eyes. "Yeah I'm fine I've just been thinking all day don't worry about me." He says to the child before walking into the house. Tommy was already yelling about playing a game, more specifically, truth or dare.

The gang sat down on the floor in a circle to start playing, and because it was Tommy's idea he goes first. "Tubbo truth or dare?" "Easy, dare." Tommy puts on a evil looking grin. "Lick the wall." "What?" "Lick the wall pussy." Tubbo stands up and infact does lick the wall. Bill starts laughing hysterically and Guqqie hands him some water. Our main character zones out for the 10th time today before someone calls his name. "Ranboo truth or dare?" Asks Bill. "Hit me with a dare." He answers. Bill smiles widely at the tall human.

"I dare you to wear a dress."

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