Chapter 3

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Saiki felt that the effect that [Y/n] Teruhashi had on him was so weird. Anytime he was around her, she was the only thing he could focus on. The other voices that the Saiki could hear through his telepathy didn't matter anymore when [Y/n] was around. She made Saiki feel almost normal. While Saiki, one the other hand, made [Y/n] feel appreciated, so the new friendship had a mutual benefit.

Right now, Saiki was facing a dilemma. He wanted to make it home in time to watch the Healthy Warriors that was airing today. [Y/n] was super excited about the season finale coming on, and Saiki knew she was going to talk to him about it tomorrow. But it seems like everyone that Saiki wanted nothing to do with was following him.

Good thing [Y/n] didn't offer to walk with him or she would have been waiting forever. In the end, Saiki didn't make it home on time for his show, but he really didn't mind [Y/n] spoiling it for him the next day, during lunch. The excited look on her face was well worth it.


The day was here. PK Acadamy's Sports festival. It wasn't a big deal to [Y/n] because she didn't view herself as athletic. Plus, Hairo was screaming and hyping the crowd up. It was making [Y/n] kind of anxious.

[Y/n] tightened the yellow headband on her head. "I really don't wanna be here." [Y/n] muttered.

"Neither do I." Saiki said. [Y/n] smiled at him like she normally does.

"Saiki, [Y/n], hey. Are you two pumped?" Hairo asked, approaching them.

'He knows my name???' [Y/n] thought.

"We're the opposite of pumped." Saiki said. [Y/n] would give anything to go home right now. It was time for the events to start. It was the boy's 100-meter dash, and Saiki was representing Class 3.

"Go Saiki!" [Y/n] cheered for her friend.

"Win it for Class 3!" Hairo cheered.

'I don't really care about winning.' Saiki thought, and the race started. In the end, Saiki came in third place. "Saiki! Holy crap, dude! You got third." Hairo said.

"Why is everyone so excited?" Saiki asked.

"The other racers are on the track and field team." Hairo informed, and Saiki was dumbfounded.

"Not bad, Buddy. Though I'm pretty sure I can smoke you one-on-one." Nendo said as Saiki walked over to him and [Y/n].

"You were great, Saiki." [Y/n] said.

"Thanks." Saiki said.

"Hey, look, it's Kaido's turn." [Y/n] said. Him and Takahashi came in last. [Y/n] sighed, leaning back in her chair next to Saiki. Then a random student showed up, talking to them about his average life.

But, despite all of that he got to be paired with Kokomi Teruhashi. [Y/n] gave a deadpanned look. "You've got to be joking..." She muttered.

[Y/n] watched as the student literally ran at full speed carrying her sister in his arms because she promised him that they would celebrate if they won. "You've got be kidding me..." She muttered again, "I thought it was three-legged race."

Next came the scavenger hunt race. It was Nendo who had to do it. "Uh..." [Y/n] said. She was a little nervous about him finding the items. When Nendo seem to have figured it out, he ran at full speed towards his class.

"Here let me have this." He said in a hurry. Hairo tried to offer a tennis racket. "No, not the racket. This, thanks." Nendo pulled out the device that was on Saiki's head, causing Saiki to suddenly fall over. [Y/n]'s eyes widened. "Saiki!" She and her other friends called out to him.

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