Chapter 18

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Tommy was the first one to wake up and all feelings of contentment for last night drifted away as he became aware of his surroundings. A room covered, top to bottom in the highest quality and softest blankets and pillows that Tommy had ever seen. He couldn't help but feel a lit envious but mostly angry, Phil had brought him into his nest without even asking Tommy. Sure he felt relaxed falling asleep in the man's arms but now he just wanted to be on his own, in his own nest.

He sat up on a mission to get back to the room that he was staying in, the place where the others had said that he had his own privacy. Tommy was so determined to leave that he had forgotten about Phil's arm that were currently latched around his torso.

"Tommy?" a confused voice came from behind him, word slightly slurred from tiredness, "Nestling where are you going?" 

"Phil I need to go I have got things to do?" why did he feel so guilty for telling Phil that, it wasn't necessarily the truth but he really didn't want to be in the older avian's nest.

Deep down he did put he pushed that part away and stomped on it.

Phil's pupils just a little more than natural in the dim lighting, the only light coming form behind the curtains and even that was limited. "Nestling it's only early, 4am at the latest, go back to sleep."

Tommy yawned at the mention of sleep, "See you are tired you really don't need to go anywhere nestling." he was determined to leave, not because he wanted to be awake but because he want to be petty. "I'm not your nestling Phil." ad with that he went to sit up.

Phil pulled him back down before Tommy could go anywhere, slightly jostling Wilbur on his right in the process, earning a sleepy groan from the boy. "Lay back down, nestling. No body wants to be awake this early." pitch high almost whining.

Well... turns out they had actually woken Wilbur up and the man thought the instruction was directed at him. "Dad I was lay down... before you woke me.... and we both know I am well past being a nestling.... why are you even awake?" His eyes fluttered open and landed on Tommy first. 

"Oh hey Tommy. Wait Tommy!?" the boy in question gave a hesitant wave before giving Wilbur pleading eyes. "Oh wait I actually needed to do something with Tommy this morning, now that we're awake we might as well do it now."

Tommy turned round to meet Phil who had sadness behind his eyes, Techno curled cluelessly into his other side. "I swear I'll bring both of us back in a bit and we can cuddle then." Phil seemed hesitant like Tommy but still agreed in the promise that his boys would return soon. He let go of Tommy and turned to hold Techno instead.

Tommy let out a sigh of relief that he was finally free and could breath properly. "Come Tommy we need to talk." Ah yes the conversation that he was stressing about yesterday. Wilbur stood up silently and Tommy went to follow but was startled when Wilbur picked him up. "Shush, Phil obviously thinks your a baby so there's something you're hiding so we're going to figure it out now.

He mumbled a incoherent 'what the fuck' under his breath as Wilbur carried him out of Phil's nest room.

Now Tommy was quite a social person, he loved interacting and chatting with the customers at his cafe and thrived in physical contact from his friends. People would say that he was clingy but Tommy would argue that it was the opposite way round. He was open to many things that came with being a social person, but something about being carried round by someone he had only just met was extremely embarrassing.

And he would do anything in his power to argue against the fact that he fit perfectly in the older man's arms, they were practically the same height! Sure Tommy was barely 5'1 but you could round that up to 5'5, add shoes to that height and that is 5'7. By then 5'7 is practically 5'10 and that is virtually 6 foot. So really he was 6 foot tall.

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