ima sell all yall idiots on ebay

181 5 225

1-sora-1LookingforScarathat158toyroya  enjoy you little shits🤩💅😇

There was a party at toyroyas house and evryone was there  "why tf are we here" that.idiot complained toyraye said "because im cool 🤩" "humble yourself 🙄 you aint even that cool"-1-sora-69

Then mary pooped out of the fan and the phone like rung and looking for scara who was in the corner crying nowing there parents dont love them went anf 9icjed it up "hellooooo??"

Evryone came in a circle listeing to the call  then a mysterius raspy   willy wonka wanna be voice said "įm wåţhčhiğ ýøu.." toyraye snatched the phone and said " i look good?🤩 like im fr thinkingaboutbecomingasuperstarlikethattenmaguybuthonestlyimsohoticouldbeamodelfrdontyouthinksoasw-"  "SHUT THE F*CK UP YOU UGLY"that420 shouted "dam chill"lonely mf named said "ýøū ğuý§ şťfů īm dõıňğ mý spęēch🙄"mary took the phone back "right right sorry anyyywaYSS what tf you want?"


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