"Thank god! I was gonna cry if we have to get checked out by a snobby little teenager from now on." Felix sighed as he made a choking motion with his hands.

"Okay, well at least he won't be much younger than us. who knows he might even be better than the little lady. Anyway, I think we should go I mean it is kind of symbolic in a way." Hongjoong said as the two shot him a small questioning look. "Think about it, that little boutique was the last place we went to together before me and Chan became official and i was dragged away from you guys at any given moment. Now, not only are me and him through but were also on a trip to get my old self back. It feels like it's the start of a new cycle, like I'm getting a redo." The two boys couldn't help the soft smiles that blessed their faces as the enveloped the small man in a sweet hug.

"Hongie you are too sweet for this world let alone for Chan." Felix said as he stroked the small man's hair " He made the biggest mistake of his life cheating on you, and we're gonna prove it! Now I say we head out. I convinced Hyunjin to let me take the car for the day!" The blonde said with a smirk as he took the car keys out of skirt pocket and jingled them softly.

"That explains all the hickys I saw this morning." Hongjoong said, a loud laugh slipping out of Namjoon and earning himself a small punch on his shoulder from a blushing Felix. 

"I swear if you mention that one more time, we'll do it on your bed!"

"Damn, it's always the shorts ones that are vengeful beyond compare!" Namjoon chuckled

"Its cause we're closer to hell now let's go before I make that threat a promise." Felix said as he rubbed his cheeks softly to get rid of his blush.

"I'm shorter than you!" Hongjoong laughed softly as the group slipped on their shoes before making their way down to the parking lot in front of the small apartment building. Namjoon instantly stole the passenger seat while Felix slipped into the driver's seat, only a slight trimmer of fear going through the other two, as Hongjoong threw himself into the back seat before Felix sped down the busy Seoul roads.

"So where is our first spot?" Hongjoong asked as he stared out the window taking in the sweet autumn beauty of the city. A small sense of serenity washing over him as he took a deep breath of his friend's sugary sweet perfumes. 'Today really was going to be the start of something new. Better make the most of it!'

"That one cafe we used to always get bubble tea at before Felix opened up. I figured it would be a nice slow start to our boys day." Namjoon explained as Hongjoong felt his heart ache slightly and his serenity was shattered. He understood that his friends were only trying to be supportive but as the memories of yesterday in that very cafe started to creep back into his head so did the sorrow and broken thoughts. The way his tears stained the soft peach table and the way the chai had turned bitter on his lips as Chan confessed the desperate measures, he took for his career. How Chan had admitted that he wasn't worth fighting for. Hongjoong shook his head softly to get rid on the thoughts 'I'm not letting him ruin another day right now. Especially not one that's meant for me and the people that love me most. Just remember what Dino said, it's okay to think about him but it's not okay for him to take over the life he's not involved in anymore' the purplenette thought as he let a sigh slip thought his lips as Felix pulled up in front of the small cafe. After taking a few seconds to ground himself, Hongjoong stepped out of the car and looked at his sweet friends as they locked their arms together with bright smiles spread on their faces. He tried not to let the small pang in his heart take over as he plastered a matching smile on his face as he clung back onto his friends, strutting through the glass doors. The small man felt his pain feel a little more bearable as Felix and Namjoon wrapped his arms around his waist in a small side cuddle, nearly making the small man fall as they walked up to the counter.

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