1- He's in love with you

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Hey! Thanks for choosing to read my story, I'm new at this so please leave comments with notes, critiques, or just things you like about it. Thank you so so much ❤️❤️❤️


"Shit shit shit" I repeated, muttering under my breath as I parked my car. I didn't have time to change since I woke up in someone else's bed and i had to go straight here. I know I looked like trash but it was Harry, his girlfriends never last long anyways so it wouldn't matter if I made a bad impression. Although he has been talking about her an awful lot lately.
Telling me how gorgeous she was, how funny she was, how romantic she was. Told me he's never been happier. I smile at the thought then push it down seeing as though I was walking very slow.

I speed walk through the halls to the yellow drawing room, that was always Mum's favourite. I reach the door and check myself in the mirror before I go in. I flatten a few strands of my blonde hair and make it look like I showered this morning. I had to stop off at my friend Max's house on the way here to quickly borrow some clothes because there is no way I am letting my brothers see me in what I wore last night. It was more lingerie that actual clothes.

And so now I am wearing skinny jeans and a blue NASA shirt with some black vans. Not very princess like, I know, but so much better than what it could have been.

Once I was content with my appearance, I opened to doors and heard a... "Her Royal Highness, Princess Anastasia Victoria Windsor, Duchess of Wales"

I stood there patiently waiting for him to finish with my arms folded, slightly rocking on the heel of my feet. I turned to the guard when he finished. "You know they all know who I am right, they're my brothers" he just looked straight forward and hardly acknowledged my being there. I rolled my eyes and walked over to sit on the empty couch.

"Sorry I'm late guys, there was erm... traffic." I lied obviously. "It's okay" harry replied, "Anna, I just wanted you to meet my new girlfriend"

And that's when I looked up and saw those familiar ocean blue eyes, those mesmerising waves of pure beauty.
And she was looking back, a horrified expression baring her face, like she'd seen a ghost. I'd recognise those eyes anywhere. It's...

"Anna?" I blinked twice and turned to Harry, "huh, what?"

"This is my girlfriend Liliana"
Lily... I looked back at her, took a breath and stuck a hand out. "It's nice to meet you Liliana." My eyes never left hers, widening slightly signalling to her to act normal. She looked at me with the same horrified expression she'd had for the last 20 seconds then down at my hand and with a slight hesitation she took it.

Oh how I've missed her touch. Her touch sent tingles up my arm. Her hand fit perfectly in mine, like they were meant to be together forever. She looked back at me, her eyes told me she felt the same thing. "It's nice to meet you too... your highness" she said with slight annoyance. Elongating the word 'highness' still staring into my eyes. God she was gorgeous.

I quickly pull my hand away, realising how strange this must seem to outsiders of our little staring contest. Putting on a smile, finally tearing my eyes off her, I turned back to Harry.

"So how did you guys meet?" Trying to change the focus. "Love at first sight I guess" he said admiring her. I turned to her to catch her looking at me then turning back to Harry smiling whist holding his hand. "Oh yes, I was introduced by my friend who happens to be the sister to one of your friends" she said happily with a laugh, god it was music to my ears. But I could tell she had something in her mind. I can always tell.

"Where did you go to school Liliana?" This time it was Kate, Williams wife. "Oh I actually studied at the University of Edinburgh up in Scotland, I kinda wanted to be a little more independent ya know, and somehow I managed to convince my parents" she spoke with a nervous laugh. She once told me in one of our 2am (after you know what) talks that she was always conscious about over sharing and people finding her to be annoying. I don't know why anyone would be, she's the loveliest person I know, or rather knew. She's probably changed a lot since then. How long has it been? 3 years? A lot can happen in that time. I mean, not a lot in my life, but you see what I'm getting at.

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