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For the first time in Bucks life, he was alone.
His mom and dad weren't coming back. His older sister went and got married to some creep. Well, Buck thinks they were a creep. But thats not the point.
Buck was finally alone. And it felt great. The only downside to it was that being alone meant no one will be feeding you, so the first time Buck was alone, was also the first time Buck ate from the trash.
It didn't taste good.


Instead of feeling sorry for himself, Buck made a plan. A simple one, cause he was always so hungry and sleepy, but a good one.
1: Never sleep with people
   People brought people, which brings cops and pedos and sick women who call you their missing son. Sleeping alone was his best bet, and safest.
2: Dont look for food by fast food resturaunts.
    Their food was the cheapest for a reason, so it was better to go to actual resturaunts, where the meal is always freshed and cooked. Rich poeple waste food, so the trash is always filled with meals. It was almost like an all you can eat, minus the sanitaryness. Plus sometimes, you have to fight the rats. Not fun.
3: Avoid public areas as much as possible.
    Tik Tok -ers are the absoulute worst. Fake, needy, and persistant. (Some of them even give you a script to follow for their videos.)
4: Friends are for losers. Not the homeless
    The most important one.

   "Are you lost little one?" Buck flinches when he hears the voice so close. He pulls his knees closer to his chest, wishing he could dissappear into the bus stop wall. "Why dont you come with me, I can help you find your way."
   Putting on his sweetest face, Buck looks up. "No, its okay, Im waiting for my friends, we are going to the park together."
   "Oh really? You can always wait in my car, its much warmer than out here. Plus, I even have some food!" The old lady pulls out a bag of MacDonalds, and the chicken scent gently becons Buck.
    "N-nah im good. Just ate a bit earlier." He gives her a grin, and his stomach rumbles in protest.
    It seemed like she didnt hear, which was a a small mercy, and she backed away.
    "If you say so dear."
  She left him alone.


   "Look Kid, I have numerous reports of you hanging around everywhere, and twice that amount, people have been claiming you dumpster dive. " Her office was small, a bit cramped. But the cop fit in nicely. "Hello? Are you really ok? I need to speak to your parents." Lady cop huffed, before slamming a book down on her creaky desk. Buck stole a glanceat her face, before darting his eyes to the left, losing himself in the Bob Saggot poster.
    "Im not supposed to be talking to you." He then chose to say. That was what he was supposed to say after all, right? 'No talking to strangers' was often said between Moms and their children. Not that his mom ever said a word to him.
    "Good grief! You aren't helping me out here, buddy. They dumped you, didn't they? Your Parents? You can't be living on the street for the rest of your life, its not only impossible, but dangerous! You can die!"
    Buck chose to admire the strange bobble-head figure.Why didn't he run when she first approached? Because she offered him a delicous burrito. It was hot and everything too. But the burrito is gone now, and he is still here. Maybe Buck should get out of here.
    "Look, kid. Maybe you should tell me your name at least. It would help me find your parents and charge them with so many charges they'll end up in jail. Its like revenge, right?"
   Buck wanted to scoff. Utter BS. There is no law against parents abandoning their children.
   " Please."
   ".... Its Buck. Buck Nash."

The first time Buck lied to a cop, will be the last time he was alone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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