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February 17

So like, they talked to me?? And they seemed genuinely interested??

I dunno, I doubt they really care, they were probably just being nice. They are fairly nice people after all.

Still, it's nice that they don't make me feel like a freakshow. Though, I wouldn't blame them if they did.

Even still, I think we're friends? I'll have to ask them tomorrow.

See ya


Marcy made their daily commute to the hellish building known as school, feeling the weight that had been resting on their shoulders for so long finally start to lighten. They felt better overall after Anne and Sasha invited them to play basketball.

It was almost like having friends, except, Marcy only ever talked to them once, not counting the time they told Anne that her shoe was untied. Still, Marcy was very insistent on befriending them. Marcy wished that one day, it wouldn't be "almost like having friends," but instead, it'd be "having friends."

Wishes like that were nice, but Marcy knew that wishes hardly ever came true. Especially wishes regarding other people. 

People were always backstabbers, always wanted something, and always hated people like Marcy.

So, for that reason, Marcy always made sure to avoid people at all costs, even if that cost was their happiness.


That was something Marcy hadn't felt in a while, but it was for the best; happiness didn't last, and if it did, then it would get boring and dull.

People would always tell Marcy about how much good there was in the world, but Marcy just saw the good as a twisted version of the bad.

Every good thing was just a result of something worse. There could be a wholesome story about someone meeting a super accepting person and they become amazing friends because of how kindhearted they both are, but why isn't that the norm? Why should genuinely good people be so hard to come across?

All of the sudden, Marcy heard two familiar voices echoing through the hallway. Marcy focused on those two voices, not paying attention to the rest of the commotion happening in the hallway. According to Marcy, Sasha, Anne, and themself were the only people there.

But, Sasha and Anne weren't talking to Marcy, because Sasha and Anne and Marcy aren't friends.

Right, Marcy thought as reality sunk in, and the hallway became unbelievably loud again.

Class was the same as always, always, always.

But then it was time for gym again. 

Oh God, no.

This time, it seemed as though the class had to play some weird version of soccer and football combined, or, in a sense, American football and actual football combined.

And no one wanted Marcy on their team, who would've guessed?

Marcy was ready to just grab a book from their backpack and read in the corner of the gym when they heard Sasha's voice.

"C'mon, Marcy, you're with us." She stopped to look at Marcy's slightly aghast face, then chuckled slightly. "Unless you want to avoid us."

"No no no no no, I'd love to be on a team with you guys," Marcy was a bit scared, thinking they had accidentally given off the vibe that they disliked them. "I was just lost in my thoughts."

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