How it all started~ Natasha

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Natasha Romanoff's POV
Im sitting here in the meeting room with the rest of the newly formed avengers concististing of Steve Roger's,Thor odenson,Clint Barton,Bruce banner and last and to my displeasure Tony Stark aka the man who saved me but also complicated my life at a very young age. Now your probably wondering how he saved me but also complicated my life
*flashback* I had been in the red room for a few years now and I was 16 and he was 17  we met at a party he had thrown to celebrate graduating MIT I was sent to get information on how to hack into the company tony was set to inherited but when he introduced himself I was surprised he was actually pretty cute we had a few drinks and talked, getting to know each other next thing I knew he was calling me gorgeous and here I found myself spontaneously decided to make out with him one thing led to the next and the next thing I knew I was waking up in his bed snuggled up next to him
*End of flashback* that's how he complicated my life because not only was I 16 and just had a one night stand with a billionaire but two weeks later I found out I was pregnant with my sweet little boy Peter as for Tony saving my life *flashback* that morning I ran away, away from Tony and MIT,away from the red room and madame b, and away from the life I could have gotten trapped in and ended up having a lot of regrets about. Two weeks later I found myself wondering the streets of New York all by myself I was sleeping on cardboard in ally ways were I found myself having morning sickness and only eating when generous strangers gave me food but it was that after noon I ran into a tall dark man who looked at me very inquisitively probably trying to figure out what a 16 year old who looked like they'd been starving for weeks was doing wondering the street of New York alone then he drug me out of my thoughts by asking me "where are your parents" and I said in Russia he now looked at me in shock and asked "then how on this earth did you end up in New York kid" I liked the nickname kid it made me feel less girly so I answered I was was taken from my parents by the red room when I was little the most I recall is when I was 11 and the man in front of me asked me to come with him he seemed like a very good man so I did next thing I know he was signing paper instating him as my legal guardian until my parents came for me or until I turned 18 at the time I was 16 and pregnant which he didn't know yet but after the man signed the paper he told me his name was nick fury but that if I desired I could call him dad but if I wasn't comfortable with that I could call him nick and then he took me to his home were he told me I would be living with him and he gave me his guest room I wasn't paying to much attention because I was in my thoughts thinking about how my own father who was in Russia and thinks I'm still in the red room had ruin the word dad for me so I asked him If I could call him papa he agreed that when I asked him if he could sit down so I could tell him something and he sat down on the bed and i sat next to him and I said there's something I need to tell you papa I'm pregnant and then I put my head down not being able to look him in the eyes and he took his finger, raised and turned my head so I was looking at him and said "I'm not mad kid there are just gonna be some rules your required to follow is that understood" now I willingly looked him in the eyes and said yes papa I understand and after that he told me to get settled in my room while he made dinner so I did the he'd take me shopping to get things I'd need
*end of flashback* and that's the day I gained a superfamily that little did I know would expand as I became a agent of shield and became a part of the avengers

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