My Mother's....Fiance!!!!!!

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  • Dedicated to Anyone who reads my story~~~*

Hey story!!!! :)

Pic of Bella Thorne (Ava Courter) on side >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 


~~Niall's P.O.V.~~


I jumped hearing the front door slam shut, but unfortunetly for me, I fell off the couch I had fallen asleep on when watching a movie.

The slaming door was an indicator that my mother had just gotten home from her date with her boyfriend, Samual. I had met Sam all of about four times since they started dating, last valentine's day.

I thought he was ok when I met him, he was very nice to me, respectful of my mother, and asured me his four sons, who I have yet to meet, were great as well, I just hope he was right and not just saying that cuz they're his flesh and blood.

"Niall!?" I heard my mom shout while looking for me around the house.

"In the livingroom!" I shout back to her.

A few seconds later she was racing into the livingroom with the biggest smile I have ever seen on my mother's face.

"Look what Sam gave me!" She announced excitedly showing me her hand.

As I opened my mouth to ask what she was talking about, a shiny object attached to her left ring finger caught my eye. My eyes widened as I realized what the object was, an engagment ring.

Sam had proposed to my mom.

"H-he proposed!?" I asked shocked.

"Yes!!" She screamed too happy to notice I had become silent.

To say I was at a loss for words is an understatment, I was absolutely and uterly speechless. I did not know how to respond without somehow upsetting my mom, so instead I just smiled lovingly at her and when up to my room.

When I opened my, green, bedroom door, went right to my bed and sat down pulling out my phone and calling my best friend Ava Couter.


N-Hey Ava, its Niall.

A-Oh hey my baby leprechaun, what's up?

N-You know my mom's boyfriend, right?


N-Because I want to know what you think of him. guess I like him, you know he is really nice to you and all.


A-Why do you want to know? What happened?

N-Cuz Sam asked my mom to marry him and she said yes.

After the words left my mouth I had to pull my phone away from my ear, because she started to scream, excited for my mom.



N-Shut up and stop your screaming, anyway I have to go, bye.

A-K, good-bye little Mr. Pointy Ears.

I rolled my eyes and hung up my phone.

''''''''''''''''TIME SKIP'''''''''''''''''''''''''' 

-------(At School Next Day)---------

I walk into school and suddenly I'm surrounded by my best friends, Ava and Peter.

Ava has been my best friend since I moved here 3 years ago, she is also my next-door neighbor. Ava is a red headed brown eyed beauty, who is very energetic, almost always happy, and is my self-appointed bodyguard from bullies who seem to love hurting me anyway they can.

Then there is blonde haired blue eyed Peter, who has been with me and Ava since we were 14. He is always nice, a bit of a push over, and shy, but unfortunetly for the very shy Peter, he is absolutely gorgeous. Also very popular, even though he doesn't realize it himself.

"Hey, Niall." Peter said smiling at me.

"Hey, Peter, Ava." I said to my best friends.

"Yeah, hi, anyway is your mom really engaged to Sammy?" Ava practically shouted at me.

"Yes, Ava, she is, She, Samual, and his four sons, whom I have never met, are moving our stuff into their house today while I am at school." I replied shaking my head at how loud that girl can be.

"So wait a minute, your moving!?" Peter asked surprised.

"Yeah, but only changing houses, not towns or school, and I'm pretty sure Samual's youngest son is going to be going to this school with us." I replied.

"Really OMG that is so cool!!" Ava exclaimed scaring some people who were passing by.

"Ava, chill out!" I yelled at her as she screamed while jumping up and down.

"Sorry." She whispered.

I swear that girl will be the death of me.

Once we heard the bell ring, us and all the other students in the hallway scrambled to get to our first classes of the day. Oh joy.

'''''''TIME SKIP'''''''''' 

''''(After School)''''''

*Beep Beep*

I looked toward the direction I heard the sound come from and saw my mom sitting in her car smiling at me. There were a few boxes in the trunk ready to go to our new house.

I walked over to the passager side door and got in slaming the door behind me.

"Hi sweety, how was your day?" My mom asked pulling onto the road and away from the school.

"Fine, so are Sam and his sons at our new house already?"

"Yep, they are unpacking their things in their rooms."

"Oh ok, cool."

I was extremely nervious about meeting my four new older step brothers. I really hope they like me.


Well that is the first chapter, THE BEGINING,.....sorry if its a little short<P

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